Tech & Gadgets

Why Does Organic Traffic Drop & How To Fix It

By Arnab Dey

September 6, 2023

Organic Traffic

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Why is everyone so hung up on organic traffic? Organic traffic represents the visitors who stumble upon your website via search engines but not through paid ads – pure, unsponsored, au natural. These are the folks who typed something into Google (or Bing, or whatever floats their boat) and landed on your site because, well, it seemed to have the answers.

Here’s a number that might tickle your fancy – over 70% of clicks on search engines go to organic results. That’s right. For every 10 people clicking on search results, 7 prefer organic over paid listings. Pretty impressive, right? It’s a testament to its authenticity.

Organic traffic is, hands down, the most sustainable source of web traffic. While pay-per-click campaigns drain the wallet every time someone clicks, organic traffic is more like a gift that keeps on giving. We invest upfront in stellar content and SEO, and then we reap the rewards over time. So, in the grand tug-of-war of online visibility, organic traffic pulls with considerable might.

Why all the fuss, you ask? It’s simple. More traffic means more eyes on your content, more brand exposure, and, you guessed it, potentially more sales. In a world where every online move is meticulously strategized, we can’t stress enough how crucial it is to have that organic crowd singing along to your tune. So, eliminating the factors that give your organic traffic a hiccup is equally crucial.

Reasons For A Drop In Organic Traffic

Reasons For A Drop In Organic Traffic

You’ve been working hard, churning out content, and optimizing things left, right, and center. Your website was buzzing, and numbers were climbing, but then – whoa, Nelly! – a sudden drop in organic traffic. Those glorious numbers took a nosedive. Panic stations? Nah, let’s not jump the gun. Yet.

“Why has my site dropped in Google?” is a valid question. But “How to fix it?” is no less important. Well, there’s a method to the madness, and we’re about to dissect it, layer by layer.

1. Algorithm Updates

The digital world is a living, breathing beast. And much like our unpredictable weather (thanks to global warming), search engine algorithms love to keep us on our toes. Talk about playing hard to get!

Ever caught yourself thinking, “What in the world’s an algorithm anyway?” Simply put, algorithms are the behind-the-scenes maestros that decide which website deserves the limelight on page one and which ones get shoved backstage. But these maestros? They’re fickle. A little restless, if we may. They change their tune a whopping 500 to 600 times a year! That’s more outfit changes than most of us have in a lifetime.

When these algorithms shake things up, our website visibility dances along. Sometimes, it’s a graceful waltz up the SERP (Search Engine Results Page), and sometimes, well, it’s a sudden drop in website traffic. It’s like trying to impress a constantly changing panel of judges on a reality show. One day, they love the jazz hands; the next, they’re all about the moonwalk.

Remember this – every update has its purpose. Maybe it’s to prioritize mobile-friendly sites or perhaps to combat spammy content. Regardless, staying in the know means we can pivot and adapt. So, no, it’s not personal. It’s just the way of the web.

2. Technical Issues

Okay, think of your website as this uber-cool, snazzy vehicle. It’s got all the bells and whistles and looks sleek, but – surprise, surprise – it doesn’t always run smoothly. Like that vintage car that’s a stunner but stalls halfway down the road. Ugh, right?

One of the common culprits? Slow site speed. Imagine having to wait in line for coffee for more than 5 minutes. Pure agony. That’s how users feel about a site that takes forever to load. In fact, sites taking longer than 3 seconds to load can see up to a 50% decrease in user engagement. Yep, the need for speed is real.

But wait, there’s more. We’ve also got the whole mobile-unfriendliness ordeal. With over 50% of global website traffic coming from mobile devices, not being mobile-friendly is like throwing a party and forgetting the music. Not fun.

Crawling errors? Oh, they’re like those tiny stones in our shoes. Invisible but darn irritating. It means search engines are having a tough time reading our site. And then, there’s HTTPS. Not to geek out, but that ‘S’ stands for ‘Secure.’ Forgot that letter, and your website traffic dropped suddenly? Websites without it are like houses without locks – risky business. Google, being the protective parent it is, has been known to favor secure sites.

3. Content Quality And Relevance

Imagine strolling down to your favorite cafe, the one with those oh-so-yummy muffins. But this time, they served you last month’s batch. Not the freshest experience, right? That’s what outdated content feels like to users—a stale muffin in the digital cafe.

We’re not saying every piece needs to be red-hot off the press, but freshness? Oh, it’s golden. Updated content boosts your site’s relevancy, and search engines eat that up. Just for some context, Google receives over 3.5 billion searches per day. To avoid Google Search traffic drop, your content game’s gotta be top-tier.

But here’s another twist in the tale – quality. It ain’t just about the new; it’s about the truth. Content that’s inaccurate or misleading is like quicksand. The more we churn it, the deeper we sink. Trust us, it takes ages to build credibility, but just one dodgy article to break that trust. Think about it – would we go back to that muffin joint after a not-so-tasty experience? Probably not.

Backlinks. Ah, the confetti of the digital world. When they’re good, they’re a sparkling endorsement. But when they go rogue? Oh boy, it’s a tad messier than spilled glitter.

For the uninitiated, backlinks are other websites giving a shoutout to ours. It’s like getting a nod from the cool kids in school – it boosts our street cred. But quality matters. One solid thumbs-up from a reputable site can be way more impactful than a dozen nods from sketchy corners. Websites with a strong backlink profile see up to 5.7 times more organic traffic. That’s right – it’s a big deal!

However, the web is a bit of a Wild West. Sometimes, we lose those golden backlinks. Maybe a website went offline, or they just updated their content. And other times, we gain some… how do we put it… less than glamorous ones. You know, the spammy ‘buy-cheap-sneakers-now’ kind. So, that answers the burning question of “Why is my website losing traffic?”

5. Keyword Rankings

Keywords are our golden tickets in the digital realm. They’re how Mr. and Mrs. User find our fantastic corner of the web. But here’s the hiccup – there aren’t infinite top spots. It’s a bit of a squeeze. Even slight shifts can mean the difference between popularity and low organic traffic.

A mere one-position drop on Google’s first page can lead to a 30% decrease in click-through rates. Yeah, it’s that intense. The spotlight’s bright at the top, and the shadows get longer as we slide down.

For the spicy part – competition. The digital market’s bustling and everyone’s eyeing the prize. New sites sprout daily, each trying to outdo the rest with snazzier content and smarter strategies. It’s like a never-ending talent show where everyone’s vying for the judge’s attention (and that judge is the ever-elusive search algorithm).

Let’s throw in the wildcard – evolving user intent. The digital crowd? Fickle. Today, they’re all about “how to bake the fluffiest muffins,” and tomorrow, it might be “gluten-free vegan muffin recipes.” As user intent morphs, so must our keyword strategies. It’s not just about predicting the waves; it’s about surfing them!

So, every time we see organic traffic drop, it’s not just fate playing dice. It’s a mix of other digital juggernauts stepping up their game and the ever-changing whims of the online populace. But hey, that’s what makes it thrilling, right? It’s a race, a chase, and sometimes a full-blown relay.

Strategies For Recovery

Strategies For Recovery

We might’ve taken a hit, but ain’t no way we’re down and out. Heck, remember those 90s floppy disks? They’d malfunction, we’d give them a gentle shake (or a not-so-gentle thwack), and voila! We’re back in business.

In the online sphere, bouncing back isn’t just about grit – it’s an art and a science. With over 200 ranking factors in play, the recipe for recovery can seem overwhelming. But fear not. We’ve distilled it all down to the good stuff – the proven strategies, or the “secret sauce,” if you will.

A. Technical SEO Audit

Websites, much like humans, have their complex systems and occasional hiccups. And, just as a timely check-up can prevent a full-blown flu, a technical audit can spot the snags before they spiral.

We begin by using SEO tools that scour every nook and cranny. Think of them as our trusty stethoscope and blood pressure monitor. With over 1.8 billion websites out there, these tools help ensure we don’t just blend into the digital crowd.

  • Site Speed: The heartbeat of our website. In a world where a 100-millisecond delay can drop conversion rates by 7%, speed isn’t just about being fast; it’s crucial. If your site’s dragging its feet, chances are, your audience won’t stick around for the show.
  • Indexability: Can search engines find, crawl, and understand our content? If they can’t, it’s like we’re yelling into a void. All that fabulous content? Lost in cyberspace. And let’s be honest, shouting without an audience? Kinda heartbreaking.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: With over 50% of global web traffic sauntering in from mobile devices, this is the agility test. It’s like the website’s doing yoga – can it stretch, bend, and look good on any device? If not, we’re missing out on a massive chunk of the audience pie.

Ah, the sweet rewards of a thorough check-up. Higher rankings, more eyeballs, and, of course, no more “Why is my organic traffic down?” Plus, when users land on a site that’s swift, easily navigable, and looks crisp on their smartphones? It’s like a warm, fuzzy digital hug. They’re more likely to stay, explore, and maybe even hit that coveted ‘subscribe’ or ‘buy now’ button.

B. Content Audit And Refresh

Just when we think our website content is perfect, there’s always a touch more finesse to be added, a tweak here, a little update there. And honestly, it’s this restless pursuit of perfection that keeps our digital space dynamic.

Okay, diving right in – content audits. Sounds a tad clinical, we know, but think of it as spring cleaning. We’re essentially dusting off the old, embracing the new, and giving our content space that fresh, minty vibe.

First off, evaluating our content isn’t just looking at it. It’s more than a cursory glance. It’s about diving into those analytics. How are our readers interacting with what we’ve put out? Are they engaging, sharing, loving?

The charm of the content isn’t just in creation; it’s in the curation. Sometimes, the magic is in reshaping an older piece with new insights. Let’s take that post we did on technology trends from a few years ago – with a little sprinkle of updates, it’s back in the game, looking as fresh as today’s morning brew.

But, as with all things in life, it’s also about knowing when to let go. If a piece isn’t serving its purpose, isn’t sparking joy (thanks, Marie Kondo!), or just doesn’t fit our current vibe, it might be time to retire it. It’s not a loss; think of it as making space for the new.

Speaking of new, oh, the thrill of crafting fresh content! With all the knowledge from our audit, we’re not just shooting in the dark. We’re creating with intent, purpose, and a dash of flair. Because we’ve seen what works, what resonates, and what our audience is vibing with.

So, why does all this matter? Simple. Refreshed content is a magnet for traffic. We’ve seen numbers jump, with organic traffic spiking by crazy percentages when content is updated and aligned with current trends.

Backlinks are the lifeblood of the web, almost like those personal connections you cherish, those friends who always have your back. The same goes for our websites. Some backlinks are like those trusted friends you can always count on. But some are more like the distant cousin who always seems to bring drama to family events.

Certain backlinks elevate us, boost our reputation, and drive traffic our way, while others lead to a sudden drop in organic traffic. And that’s where the need to check in and clean up our backlink profile regularly comes into play. Because, just like in the world of pop, not all publicity is good publicity.

Don’t get us wrong; we’re all for expanding our circle and building those connections. But we’ve got to be choosy. It’s been said that around 72% of SEO experts believe backlinks significantly impact rankings. That’s a number we can’t ignore. So, the good ones? Those from reputable, high-authority sites? Gold. The questionable ones? Best to part ways.

And then there’s the act of earning those golden backlinks. Think of it as our site’s charm offensive. One tried and tested way? Stellar content. If we’re putting out top-notch stuff, other sites will want a piece of that action, linking back to our genius.

On the flip side, we’ve got to steer clear of the no-good, shady, “too good to be true” backlink offers. Google’s got eyes everywhere, and trust us, they’re not afraid to penalize those who play dirty.


If you’re feeling a little dizzy with all the loops, turns, and corkscrews of SEO, backlinks, and content quality, you’re not alone. And let’s be honest, in the ever-evolving realm of online visibility, who isn’t?

A staggering 91% of web pages never get organic traffic from Google, primarily due to missing SEO strategies. The reality? If you aren’t an active player in this game, your website might just become a part of this statistic. Rather grim, huh? But it doesn’t have to be.

Given this intricate web, it’s prudent to lean on experts who’ve charted these waters and possess the tools, knowledge, and acumen to steer the ship with precision. Professional SEO agencies like Crowdo are more than just problem-solvers. They’re strategic partners in the ever-challenging quest for online dominance.

Let this not be an end but a checkpoint. The digital journey, filled with challenges and triumphs, beckons, so embrace it with informed decisions, unwavering resilience, and the partnership of those who have been there and done that.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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