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Do I Really Need A Standing Desk? Yes, You Do. Check Out Why.

By Arnab Dey

July 1, 2023

Standing Desk

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A standing desk, yes. We’re here to tell you it’s not just a fad; it is a practical ergonomic solution that offers a wide range of benefits.

In fact, many offices today have started to convert their workspace into a more ergonomic space for their employees. In the same manner, many individuals who are working from home have started to understand the benefits of an ergonomic home office. And in both instances, the standing desk has risen to become the leading ergonomic solution for people looking to live a more active and healthier lifestyle.

If you’re wondering whether it’s time for you to invest in a standing desk, too, we hope these questions can help you.

Do you experience back pain?

Has back pain become a common part of your day-to-day experience at work? It’s time to reconsider your lifestyle. If you’re one of the 80% of individuals who experience back pain in adulthood, then it’s important to look at possible triggers so you can minimize them. Does your work involve most hours being seated in front of your computer? If so, your back pain might be a result of your sedentary lifestyle.

Investing in a standing desk will help you break this lifestyle and move more in a day in order to engage your back, shoulders, and neck muscles more consistently, reducing pain and increasing your well-being.

Do you feel unproductive at work?

ergonomic desk

If you feel a decline in your productivity, a reduction in your creative juices, too much sitting at work might also be causing that. Movement affects circulation in your body, and the lack of movement can lead to a slowing down in the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain.

One of the leading results of this is a decline in brain function. If you are not as alert as you used to be, if you feel you’ve lost the capability for quick thinking, all you may need to bring that back is to move more.

A standing desk will make that effortless and second nature. With the easy push-button operation of an ergonomic desk, all you have to do is set it to your preferred height and press the button whenever you need to stand or sit. With the added movement and improved circulation, you can expect to be more productive again.

Do you lack energy or enthusiasm at work?

Apart from a lack in productivity, feeling sluggish and lethargic are other signs of an unhealthy work lifestyle that you need to address and break. If you feel like you no longer have the same level of enthusiasm you used to have in approaching your work, or if you often feel sleepy in the office even with enough sleep the previous night, check if too much sitting could be causing the problem.

By standing more, or by alternating between sitting and standing as you work, you are able to give your body the right amount of blood and oxygen that it needs to function at an optimum level. Make this easy with a standing desk.

Question for employers: Do you notice an increase in sick leaves and absences among your employees?

invest in standing desks

A sedentary lifestyle is associated with a lot of health risks. Apart from back pain, it is also linked to heart problems, diabetes, and high blood pressure, among other critical illnesses. If you notice more absences from your employees due to illness or a stark decline in productivity, check if this might be caused by a poor and unhealthy lifestyle in the workplace.

Is it perhaps more sensible and practical to make your space more ergonomic and invest in standing desks to lower your costs on healthcare spent on sick employees, as well as cost due to loss of productivity? Make a proactive choice to protect your employees and your business from these risks. It will pay off in the long run.

MotionGrey Standing Desk: A Smart Ergonomic Choice for Your Workspace

Whether it’s your workplace or your home office that you are converting into a more ergonomic space, you need standing desks that will deliver. The Motion Series standing desk from MotionGrey is a high-quality desk made from high-grade steel, a stylish and sustainable tabletop, and powered by dual motors from the global leader Bosch.

Each desk has received hours of stringent engineering and testing to make sure it is conducive to different working environments. It can handle more weight, move faster, and operate with minimal noise.

Make the smart ergonomic choice for your workspace. Invest in the right standing desk and create a healthier working environment for you and your employees.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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