Human Resources

How to Avoid Injuries When Performing a House Cleanup

Published on: October 20, 2021

Last Updated on: January 13, 2022

House Cleanup

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As much as house cleanup may be a hassle for you, let’s also face the reality of the possibility of an injury. This may tend to skip your mind because you probably want to restore the beauty of the house the way it was before. You won’t deny that the house will look great after a well-done cleanup.

Hence the need for dedication to achieving that. But this is exactly what may cause you to forget the imminent danger lurking around. It could result in an injury. Thus, you need a quick and easy way to do hoarding cleanup.

Wondering how exactly these injuries may occur? Easy, hoarded objects can trigger trips or even worse, falls. The objects can also pile up and fall. The pile can cause you an injury in the event it collapses on you. You also risk the danger of being trapped beneath the debris. And this can result in an injury, especially in the process of you trying to set yourself free.

Hoarding cleanup may not be as simple as you see it in your mind’s eye. That’s why most people have involved professionals. It requires equipment and the necessary expertise to do the cleanup safely and more efficiently.

Remember that in the process of cleanup, keeping injuries at bay should be your top priority. So, are you ready to know how to avoid injuries when performing the cleanup? Continue reading so that you can be in the know. It will go a long way in assisting you to keep safe.

Wear Personal Protective Equipment

Wear Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment is mandatory during the cleanup and it can assist you in avoiding injuries to a greater extent.  Masks, safety goggles, gloves, and appropriate footwear will guard you against diseases and even bacteria. Such may result from hoarding cleanup. Appropriate footwear will keep you safe from slips and falls. Apart from wearing them, try to avoid walking across wet floors.

You won’t afford to underestimate the importance of wearing protective equipment. In case you are taking this for granted or asking yourself why it’s because with it you will have to handle a variety of biohazards. Bearing this in mind, it’s no doubt that the surest way of handling your house cleanup and being safe is making protective equipment a must-wear.

If you start feeling that this would be something that would be too much to handle, you can always opt for cleaning services Hoboken. They are experts that will be able to handle the job and keep you out of harm’s way. In the last few years, the demand for specialized cleaning services has been on the rise. Deep cleaning and sanitizing homes and offices completely has become a new reality thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inspect the House before Hoarding Cleanup

You have to inspect the house thoroughly before cleaning, even if you know every corner of the house, inspection is still important. Inspect the floor keenly for any damages and if you find holes or things like loose boards, you should fix them first before commencing your cleanup.

Ensure there are no uneven surfaces because they are likely to trigger a slip or fall. In case of any, use a warning sign to delineate the particular area to avoid an injury in case someone becomes a victim. This will warn people of such areas and they will tread on the particular area with caution. Try also to check on furnishing or anything that may fall over and secure them before starting your house cleanup.

Keep Off Aerosols

It is better not to use aerosols when performing a house cleanup to avoid respiratory injuries. You may consider adopting pump sprayers. Are you wondering how on earth a pump sprayer is better compared to the latter? Take it easy, all you have to do is to take a small amount and spray on the cloth you intend to use for cleaning and not spray directly on the surfaces.

You should also try as much as possible not to do feather dusting. This is because it will prompt the dust to be airborne. And you will increase the risk of inhaling it.

You would rather try dump dusting using microfiber cloths instead. It is better to vacuum hard floors using a backpack vacuum instead of sweeping and then later damp mop the floor of the house. All this is in a bid to prevent the dust from becoming airborne and to do away with aerosols. Once you do this, you will be sure that your respiratory health will not be under any threat.

Undergo Basic Health and Safety Training

Undergo Basic Health and Safety Training

Safety training is important because you will be enlightened on how to handle cleaning chemicals and even equipment. Some of the courses further go to teach you about hazardous substances, especially on proper disposal. You will be able to learn how to avoid both injuries and contamination when you enroll in this training. This is vital because you are aware that hoarding cleanup is not that easy, but with proper training, you will know how to handle the different biohazards.

You may want to argue about the logistics, right? Relax, with so many things being done online in the present times, you don’t have an excuse not to undergo health and safety training. Things have been made easier with the migration to online services and even training, if you don’t have time to attend physical training; you can still do it remotely.

Final Thoughts

Try as much as possible to stay safe when performing house cleanup to avoid injuries. Don’t try pushing down trash using either your feet or hands to compact it, you just never know what kind of objects could be lying in that trash. Despite wearing gloves or protective footwear, you are aware of how tricky hoarding cleanup is, so don’t dare risk it.

Your safety ought to be your primary concern and the bottom line is, if you keep safe, you will not incur any expenses of seeking treatment for an injury and you will be more productive. If you follow the simple precautions named here, you will avoid injuries and you will be able to enjoy and perform your house clean-up better.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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