Business Development

How Today’s Business Owners Cut Energy Costs

Published on: November 9, 2022

Last Updated on: January 29, 2024

Energy Costs

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Since early 2022, global energy prices for resources like natural gas, electricity, and petroleum have been rising rapidly. Consumers have their own tactics for dealing with the higher cost of living.

However, inflation in both the retail and commercial sectors has been a problem for everyone, individuals, and business owners alike. With much environmental focus on why plastic is bad and waste management solutions, some corporate energy dilemmas have remained unsolved.

What have entrepreneurs and companies been doing to keep energy and utility expenses as low as possible? The Internet is flooded with energy conservation myths, but if you want to know the truth about them, this article is your ultimate savior.

Fortunately, there are several techniques that are proving successful for large and small companies. Transport firms are discovering the tremendous potential of using EVs (electric vehicles).

Other owners are encouraging their employees to work from home on a part-time or full-time basis. Additionally, programmable thermostats, solar panels, and paperless offices are other potent approaches to the modern need to keep energy expenses as low as possible.

Top Four Energy Costs Cutting Strategies In The Business Field

As inflation continues to take its toll, particularly on gas prices, the following strategies are among the most effective ways that business operators are reining in costs across the board.

1. Electric Vehicle Fleets

Electric Vehicle

In fleet management, keeping fuel expenses low is a top priority. One of the most effective ways of doing so in the 2020s is switching to electric vehicles.

Not only are EVs better for the environment, but their clean motors are easier to maintain and offer a major step toward the conversion to a commercial sector that is fully sustainable.

Of course, EVs are famous for their highly efficient motors, but they deliver more benefits than that. By transitioning to an all-electric fleet, transport company owners can significantly cut operating expenses, offer their drivers a cleaner alternative to gas guzzlers, and achieve many other benefits at the same time.

Electric trucks last longer than their diesel-powered counterparts, don’t put out as much engine noise, and are easier to operate.

2. Telecommuting


Spurred on by the recent COVID pandemic, telecommuting to work is becoming the simple solution many owners turn to for lower operating expenses.

When even a portion of a company’s workforce does their job from home, organizations can save on office rent, liability insurance, and more. Plus, for every employee who doesn’t drive to the office, there’s less traffic, fewer gallons of gasoline burned, and no need to heat or cool the office.

3. Smart Thermostats

Smart Thermostats

Even one-person offices can save money by installing programmable thermostats. The small, simple devices are available everywhere and can immediately reduce monthly energy use and utility bills.

Larger businesses can save a significant amount on their monthly energy expenses by putting smart thermostats in every office, warehouse, guard booth, and common space they own.

4. Passive Solar Arrays

Solar panels

Solar panels on office and parking lot roofs were a rarity just a decade ago. Nowadays, they are seemingly everywhere, as entrepreneurs and founders of companies discover the benefits of low-cost, roof-mounted panels.

In many cases, the arrays pay for themselves within a few years. After that, they deliver an endless supply of low-cost, clean energy for everyday operations.

Newer, high-grade versions of panels are showing up on rooftops of homes, businesses, and municipal buildings. With overall panel and installation costs continuing to come down, look for this trend to gain strength.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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