
Is Your Startup Ready For Series A? Backoffice Preparations You Must Do

Published on: September 13, 2023

Last Updated on: November 8, 2023

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Securing Series A funding can be a watershed moment for your startup. It’s a sign that your business model has been vetted, there’s market interest in your product, and you’re ready to scale. However, preparing your startup for Series A involves more than just an impressive pitch deck and a robust product; it necessitates meticulous back-office preparations that lay the groundwork for sustainable growth.

This article is aimed at startup CEOs, CFOs, COOs, and anyone who is part of the team steering the ship toward Series A funding. We’ll delve into financial health, legal compliance, technology infrastructure, human resources, and investor relations—essential back-office areas that require your attention as you prepare to secure Series A funding.

Understanding Series A Criteria

Before diving into back-office preparations, it’s crucial to understand what investors typically look for in a Series A round. According to a report by Silicon Valley Bank, as of 2021, the average Series A round in the U.S. was approximately $15.7 million at a pre-money valuation of roughly $68 million. To attract this level of investment, startups generally need to demonstrate:

  1. Product-Market Fit: A proven need for your product in the marketplace.
  2. Revenue: Consistent and ideally increasing revenue streams.
  3. Scalability: Potential for exponential growth.

While these are front-line metrics, a solid back-office is the engine that makes it all possible. It can either instill investor confidence or raise red flags that jeopardize your funding chances. No wonder why a lot of upcoming startups are utilizing back office operations experts like Levy that help you save so much time.

Importance Of Financial Health

Importance Of Financial Health


Financial Audits

Start by conducting a thorough pre-Series A financial audit. According to the American Institute of CPAs, an audit of a startup should include an examination of the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, among other financial documents.

How To Prepare

Create a comprehensive list of financial transactions, assets, and liabilities.

Involve a certified public accountant (CPA) to ensure you adhere to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

What It Involves

  • Verification of all financial statements
  • A deep dive into financial controls and accounting procedures
  • Audits provide an extra layer of credibility to your financial statements and ensure that you’re compliant with accounting standards and laws, thereby significantly reducing investor risk.

Cash Flow Management

Managing your cash flow is of paramount importance. A 2019 QuickBooks report found that 29% of startups fail because they run out of cash.

Projecting Cash Flows

  • Use historical data to forecast revenue and expenses.
  • Factor in different scenarios like best-case, worst-case, and most likely to prepare for any eventuality.

Reducing Burn Rate

  • Identify non-core expenses that can be cut without affecting your product or service.
  • Evaluate the ROI of all business activities to eliminate or reduce low-performing ones.
  • Your cash flow projections will be a key factor in determining your startup’s valuation and its ability to sustain operations post-funding.

Due Diligence

Investors will conduct thorough due diligence before committing to funding.

  • Incorporation papers
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Documentation
  • Employee and contractor agreements

Clean Cap Tables

  • Ensure all equity ownership is transparent and documented.
  • Resolve any conflicts or ambiguities in your cap table.


Investors are increasingly concerned with compliance due to stringent regulations such as GDPR for data protection and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act for financial governance.

Regulatory Requirements

  • Stay updated on tax obligations both at federal and state levels.
  • Regularly review data protection and privacy laws that apply to your startup.
  • Employ experienced legal advisors to help navigate complex regulatory landscapes.
  • Having your legal house in order is not just an investor requirement but also a safeguard against future liabilities and disputes.

Technology Infrastructure


  • Your technology stack must be ready to scale as your business grows. According to Gartner, 70% of organizations had a cloud strategy in place as of 2019, and that number is only growing, driven by the need for scalability.

Tech Considerations For Scaling

  • Invest in cloud infrastructure to enable rapid scaling without the capital burden of physical servers.
  • Optimize databases and backend systems to handle increased load.
  • Security
  • Security lapses can be fatal for startups. In fact, according to a study by the National Cyber Security Alliance, nearly 60% of small businesses go out of business within six months following a cyber attack.

Cybersecurity Measures

  • Implement encryption for data-at-rest and data-in-transit.
  • Regularly audit your systems for vulnerabilities and keep software up-to-date to prevent potential breaches.
  • With a secure and scalable technology infrastructure, you not only meet investor expectations but also prepare your startup for long-term viability.

Human Resources

Team Structure

  • Your team is your most valuable asset. As your startup grows, so should your team. However, this growth needs to be strategic.

How To Organize Your Team

  • Identify key roles that will be crucial for post-Series A growth.
  • Build specialized teams around core business functions like product development, sales, and customer service.

Talent Retention

  • A LinkedIn study found that startups have an average annual employee turnover rate of 13%. High turnover can be a red flag for investors.

Employee Stock Options And Incentives

  • Implement Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) to incentivize long-term commitment.
  • Regularly review compensation and benefits to ensure they’re competitive in the market.
  • By preparing your HR functions for scaling, you can reassure investors that you have the capacity to manage the growth that Series A funding will facilitate.

Investor Relations


  • Investor trust is paramount, and nothing builds trust like transparency.

Financial Reporting

  • Adopt transparent financial reporting practices.
  • Consider creating investor dashboards that update in real time to keep stakeholders in the loop.
  • Communication
  • Effective communication is the cornerstone of strong investor relations.

Maintaining Open Lines Of Communication

  • Regularly update your investors and potential investors through newsletters or personal communications.
  • Be open to feedback and respond promptly to investor queries.
  • By building a robust investor relations function, you can facilitate the flow of capital not just in your Series A round but in subsequent rounds as well.

Timeline: When To Start Preparing

  • Starting your back-office preparations well in advance of your Series A round is crucial. Aim to begin at least 12 to 18 months before you plan to go for the funding. This will give you enough time to address any issues that may arise during audits or due diligence.

Case Studies (Optional)

  • It’s always beneficial to learn from those who have walked the path before you. Consider looking at startups like Dropbox, Slack, or Zoom, which successfully transitioned from seed funding to Series A and beyond with strong back-office systems.


Preparing your startup for Series A funding goes beyond a great product and a dynamic pitch. Financial health, legal compliance, robust technology, a skilled team, and transparent investor relations are the back-office pillars that will support your front-end success. As you consider going for Series A funding, ensure these back-office functions are not just operational but optimized for scalability and sustainability. Start early, plan meticulously, and your startup will be well on its way to securing that crucial Series A investment.

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Mony Shah

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on business, finance and tech niches.

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