
3 Ways You Can Tackle the Cost of Tuition Fees

Published on: March 11, 2021

Last Updated on: March 13, 2021

Cost of Tuition Fees

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Going to college is an excellent achievement, which has required a significant amount of hard work on your behalf. The United States holds a reputation for being particularly expensive to study in. The cost of going to college varies from $5,000 to $50,000 per year, depending on what you study and at which institution. However, the worry surrounding tuition fees should not undermine your hard efforts over the years, as there are ways tuition fees can be tackled.

Take a look below to find out how expensive tuition fees can be managed, to ensure that you do not miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

1. Ask for A Grant:

Eligible students can make use of college-funded grants, which are designed to help individuals in need pay for their education – which is often money that is not required to be paid back. However, grants are usually need-based and so will not be applicable to everyone. Grants will typically depend on your family’s financial circumstances.

2. Apply for a Scholarship:

Apply for a Scholarship:

On average, 1.7 million scholarships are awarded to students each year and many people rely on scholarships as their token into college.

If you are passionate about a subject, which you would like to study further at college, you should meet with your school counselor and discuss your interest. It is advisable that you work hard to ensure that you stand out from other applicants and show off your skills at any given opportunity, to enhance your chances of being chosen for a scholarship.

If you are considering a career in sport and have plans to go to college, you should head over to to find out more about how you can secure a sports scholarship.

3. Part-Time Job:

As busy as it is to be a student, many have no choice but to work part-time jobs during their studies. In fact, 70% of college students work while they go to college, according to the Georgetown University Centre. Due to the increasing living cost in America, many students work 20 or more hours a week, while studying, to fund themselves – including paying towards their tuition fees and general daily costs such as food and rent.


Having a job while at college has many benefits, outside of being able to fund further education.

New experiences – when you are involved in the working world, you will be subject to new experiences you would not be open to outside of work, such as developing leadership skills in a workplace, to strengthen your chances of future employment.

Responsibility – when you work, you are giving yourself new responsibilities, that will help set you up for life after you finish your education.

Productivity – as underwhelming as it may feel to have to go to work some days, it is more productive than scrolling aimlessly through social media to fill your spare time.

The Bottom Line:

Going to college should be a time of celebration and accomplishment, not a time of worry about financial stress. Make use of the payment options out there to help fund your tuition fees.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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