
Cybersecurity vs. Information Security vs. Network Security

Published on: January 22, 2022

Last Updated on: January 27, 2022


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The terms Cybersecurity, Information security, and Network security are commonly used interchangeably, as all of them are related to the safety and protection of the system from various breaches and threats.

Although these terms are used synonymously and are covered under cyber security courses, there is a significant difference between the three of them.



Cyber security refers to the capability to defend or protect cyberspace from cyber attacks. In simple words, Cyber security is the practice of protecting computers, mobile devices, servers, networks, and electronic systems from threats ranging from corporate to personal devices.

Information Security


Information security provides protection to information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. It safeguards data as it travels across the network. To provide integrity, confidentiality, and availability” is known as information security.

It can be defined as protecting data from unauthorized access while traveling from one machine to another in a simplified way. A Computer Emergency Response Team is a team of experts who protects against cybersecurity incidents in an organization. To be a part of cyber security CERTs, you can enroll in the cyber security courses and get certified.

Network Security


Network Security refers to the process of taking software and physical preventative measures to protect the underlying network infrastructure from unauthorized access, malfunction, misuse, destruction, modification, or improper disclosure.

It creates a secure platform for users, computers, and programs to perform their permitted critical functions within a safe environment. In other words, they are a set of protocols made to protect confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility of data and networks using various technologies.

To learn the fundamental difference between Cybersecurity,  Information Security, Network Security, look at the table below:

Cyber Security Information Security Network Security
It is the practice of securing data online from outside sources. Process of securing data against security breaches, modification, or deletion to maintain confidentiality, availability, and integrity. It safeguards data as it travels across the network.
It’s about being able to defend against cyber-attacks when using cyberspace. It is concerned with the protection of data from all types of threats. Network Security is attacking Trojans.
Deals with various threats such as protecting personal information, social media accounts, etc. It safeguards anything connected to the internet.  

Cyber security is a subset of it.

Professionals in cyber security deal with advanced persistent threats. Unauthorized access, disclosure modification, and disruption are all threats to information security. Viruses and worms are included.
Professionals in cyber security deal with advanced malware threats. It is concerned with information assets, availability, and confidentiality. Only the data in transit is protected by network security
Protects from denial of service attacks. Phishing and pre-texting are examples of information security. It protects data as it travels across the system via terminals.

To gain more knowledge about these, check the best cyber security training offered by Great Learning, and you may also check various other courses offered to expand your scope in this domain.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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