
The Importance Of Following The Rules Of The Road

By Arnab Dey

March 15, 2023

Rules Of The Road

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Did you know that more than 93% of people overestimate their driving abilities, claiming that it’s better than average?

It’s true—and yet another study shows that the percentage of someone getting into a car accident in their lifetime is about 73%.

It’s a funny statistic, but it also shows that many drivers are overconfident and may be unaware of their blind spots. A minor accident is still one accident too many, and if you really want to be a “better” driver, following traffic laws and road etiquette is critical.

It only takes a single mishap for your life and someone else’s to be changed forever, so exercising safety at all times is critical if you want to protect yourself, your passengers, and others on the road.

Need more specific advice? Read on to learn several important reasons why following road regulations are so important.

1) They Reduce the Risk of Accidents

This one’s a no-brainer, but it still can’t be stressed enough: following road rules minimizes the chance of you getting into any fatal accidents.

Traffic laws are there for a reason—to uphold the safety of people using the road. Some roads could be near schools or high-traffic areas while other roads might have sharp, blind turns. To keep everyone safe, road signs are often propped up to inform and remind drivers to drive safely and watch for pedestrians.

Rules aren’t there for your inconvenience. It’s there to keep the community safe. Even if the drivers around you are willfully breaking the law, don’t allow yourself to give in to that behavior. Nothing is worth speeding or running red lights and potentially risking the lives of others.

2) It Won’t Drain Your Wallet With Repair Fees

Let’s face it, it’s better to be slightly late for work than to head on to a garage to foot an expensive repair bill.

If you’re short on cash, you need to take your and your vehicle’s safety seriously and avoid any reckless behavior that might damage it. The fault (and bill) of most car accidents lies in the driver who caused it.

By following road regulations, you can decrease the odds of paying an exorbitant amount on car damage repair fees. Driving safely indirectly gives you more financial breathing room, allowing you to pay off debt faster or save up on things you want more easily.

The most immediate consequence of breaking traffic regulations is the possibility of getting a ticket.

Police officers are well within their rights to pull you over, and it can be expensive and time-consuming to deal with a traffic violation in court. Depending on the severity of your infraction, your driver’s license may be confiscated and you may be suspended from driving for a few months.

It’s also not unheard of for people to be locked up if their violation is a more serious driving offense. The last thing you want is to end up with a criminal record because of preventable driving mistakes. As such, keep on driving safely to remain within the law.

4) You’ll Lessen Traffic Flow

Traffic laws aren’t created solely for passenger safety. It’s also there to prevent any potential traffic jams.

If you live in a crowded city, traffic jams are a common occurrence. There’ll be times when you have to wait for 15 minutes before crossing a single street, and it can be incredibly frustrating.

But by breaking road rules like switching lanes in places you shouldn’t, you’re creating a slowdown domino effect of sorts. You’d be slowing down several drivers behind you, causing a halting motion and worsening traffic altogether.

It’s important to not be greedy and be considerate of others on the road. Refrain from cutting corners and always try to drive predictably. While you won’t magically fix the traffic jam, it’ll be more bearable if everyone’s driving as intended.

5) They Keep Pedestrians Safe

Drivers aren’t the only people in danger when the rules of the road are broken. There’s a demographic that’s at much higher risk of getting hit in a road accident—pedestrians.

Many traffic-related laws are written with pedestrian safety in mind, especially if you’re driving within the city. From staying within the speed limit to not staying far from designated bike lanes, you must adhere to the law while driving.

A seemingly small mistake can have a devastating result for pedestrians, so it’s important to be mindful of the rules even if you don’t see anyone crossing. By doing so, you’ll develop a good habit of driving safely. And if you’re driving with kids, they’ll learn from you through habit too!

6) Other Drivers Can’t Read You

Drivers aren’t mind readers. While you can use your blinker light and horn, you’re quite limited when it comes to communicating with them. If you take them by surprise by doing something they weren’t expecting, they may not react to it fast enough.

For example, if you’re turning right in a no-turn lane at an intersection, there’s the chance of a head-on collision with someone driving at normal speed from the perpendicular lane. They probably only had a few seconds to react, and it’s not a good idea to rely on the attention span of another driver to save you from accidents.

The bottom line is that following road regulations make you a predictable (and therefore safe) driver. This makes it easier for other drivers, especially new ones, to navigate the roads.

Safe travels!

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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