Consumer Marketing

What Is A One-Page Marketing Plan & How To Use It?

Published on: June 2, 2021

Last Updated on: September 9, 2024

one-page marketing plan

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one- page marketing plan

What Is A One-Page Marketing Plan? 

A one-page marketing plan encourages you to condense your ideas into a single, concise document. The single-sheet marketing strategy, like the one-page marketing plan, pushes you to concentrate on what actually important. It can aid in the organization of your ideas. It might aid team members in better understanding and remembering your marketing strategy. 

Building a single-page marketing strategy allows you to keep track of your marketing objectives without having to read for hours. The majority of one-page marketing strategies are summaries of a complete marketing strategy. Even a one-page marketing strategy should include more than a to-do list of promotional activities. 

It should be more of a product strategy, including important differences between your product and rivals’, as well as a brief explanation of your target market and client requirements. As a result, each important product or product line that you sell should have its own marketing strategy

How To Write A One-Page Marketing Plan?

marketing strategy


  • Title:

List the product or service to be promoted, as well as the marketing term to be covered.

  • Product Or Service:

Describe your product or service in one phrase, including the usefulness it delivers to its consumers.

  • Target Market:

Choose the finest target clients for your product or service right away. Which consumers are most likely to purchase your service or product, or which audience are you most likely to influence with your strategized marketing?

  • Key Differentiation:

What distinguishes your product or service from that of your competitors?

  • Benefits to Customers:

How does your product provide potential customers greater or different benefits than rival products? Is there a tangible or intangible advantage that influences customers’ purchasing decisions?

  • Customer Evaluation:

Which characteristics of your consumers are relevant to marketing? Are they, for example, geographically clustered? Do their demographics resemble each other? Do they tend to consider a certain element while making purchasing decisions?

  • Marketing Strategy:

Now we focus on the portion of the paper that most people associate with a marketing plan. You’ve identified your target market and your product or service’s primary differentiators. It’s time to discuss how you’ll advertise your business concept. Choose one or two key marketing approaches and briefly outline how you intend to use them.

  • Special Offers/Pricing:

In this marketing campaign, what price or special offers would you include?

  • Marketing Message:

What are the essential messages you wish to convey via your marketing plan?

  • Creative:

In your marketing, what headlines or particular terms are you allowed to use?

  • Media:

Which channels will you use if you’re going to rely significantly on social media, for example? Will you spend money on advertising, or will you try to become viral for free? Will you use inbound marketing or email marketing, and in what way will you do it? Discuss when and where your messages will be broadcast. If you’re doing PR, explain what kind of sources you’ll be targeting and why. Everything should be condensed into a few phrases.

  • Profit and Loss Projection:

Estimate your product’s or service’s profit and loss over the marketing term.

  • Measuring Outcomes and Continued Testing:

You should not only keep track of your sales during the marketing time, but you should also strive to figure out how each buyer learned about your product. Which media was responsible for the outcome? You could decide to modify your advertising media or message in the middle of a campaign, or you could decide to tweak it for the next one. Marketing is a difficult task. Prepare to test and attempt several possibilities till you achieve excellent outcomes.

  • Summary:

You’ll gain razor-sharp focus for your company model as well as a substantial technique to pitch people on your products and ideas without overwhelming them if you learn to construct a one-page marketing strategy.

Most Important Facts To Remember About A One-Page Marketing Plan

marketing strategy


1. Uses Of The Plan 

One of the advantages of a one-page marketing strategy is how easy it is to distribute. Distribute a copy to your employees and sales team. Hold a staff meeting where you may present the strategy and begin a debate regarding the contents. 

Share the strategy with suppliers so they can learn about your business, your needs, and how to refer business to you. The strategy also provides an excellent opportunity to promote your business at networking events. Send a copy to your referral network, so they’re aware of the target market you’re after.

2. Elements

Writing out a description of your company’s products or services is the first step in creating a single-page strategy. The strategy then goes into explaining your target market’s demographics, geography, and the kind of media they’re most likely to watch, listen to, or read. 

A quick look at industry trends, as well as your company’s top strengths and weaknesses, should be included in the strategy. List your company’s contact information and website at the top of the page so that distributors and referral partners may be able to find you.

3. Goals & Objectives

The one-pager offers you a simple tool for assessing the performance of your company’s marketing activities by listing your primary goals. Make each objective specific and attainable. Keep your objectives quantifiable so you can readily see if you’re on track to meet them. 

Include a percentage or amount that illustrates the sales gain you want to see this year. Make a deadline for completing each objective next to it. If you share the marketing strategy with your employees, assign activities to each of them so that everyone is held accountable and responsible for achieving the objectives.

4. Action Plan

To make it easy to identify the approaches you’ll need to attain your objectives. A single-page marketing strategy should be divided down into monthly portions. To keep on track, add the cost of every month’s activities to your budget. 

Include a task for assessing and monitoring the plan every quarter to check if you’re on track to meet your objectives. Look for cost overruns and line items that were not completed on schedule during the review, and make adjustments to the plan for the future.

Final Thoughts

Thus, I am sure now you have a clear overview of what a one-page marketing plan is and in what way it can be used in your brand evaluation. In today’s date, the Internet has drastically increased the potential and convenience with which one may get into the craft sector and not only find a location to sell their items, but also gain an understanding of how other people make money.

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Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn

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