Business Development

How Do You Optimise The Manufacturing Logistics Process?

Published on: July 15, 2022

Last Updated on: July 23, 2022

Manufacturing Logistics

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While the entire logistics industry is currently facing a number of issues, the problems faced specifically by the manufacturing logistics in the UK at the moment are substantial.

From supply chain issues to the ongoing complications thrown up by Brexit, it’s currently a complicated field to navigate. As a result, optimization is imperative, a topic that we’ve shared a few insights into below with help from the team at Joloda Hydraroll.

What Is Manufacturing Logistics?

industrial logistics

Manufacturing logistics, also called industrial logistics, covers the process of managing, moving, and storing materials required in various industrial and manufacturing processes.

With global supply chains, this tends to include multiple stages, from the movement of raw materials to the transportation of ready-made parts to assembly lines.

If you are looking to optimize your processes, you need to look at real-time technological solutions that can help you do that. For example, real time weighing solutions can help businesses with exact weights, that can further determine costs, packaging needs and shipping requirements. 

The Goal Of Optimization

More so than in many other industries, there is a close link between logistics and the rest of the manufacturing process. The result is that optimization (or lack thereof) in the logistics process can have a massive impact on the entire manufacturing process.

The key goal of optimization in the manufacturing logistics process is to reduce lead times – to shorten the amount of time that passes between an order being made and the end product being delivered.

Bottlenecks in the logistics process can massively increase lead times, reducing the number of orders that a manufacturing company can take on, thereby decreasing their ability to operate effectively.

Ensuring that every step of the logistics process runs smoothly and efficiently is paramount, and should be optimized using every means possible.

How To Achieve Optimization?

There are a few ways to improve optimization in the manufacturing logistics process:

Management software

One of the areas in which technology can help with optimization is through Warehouse Management Systems (WMSs). WMSs enable a clear overview of the logistics system, displaying and analyzing data in a clear manner that makes it easier to understand and predict potential issues.

Manufacturing-related tasks include:

  • Real-time stock analysis: While this has always been essential, with current global supply chain issues, it’s more important than ever to try to avoid bottlenecks and stock issues. WMSs can help massively with staying on top of stock levels and avoiding any unexpected shortages.
  • Stock classification: A good WMS can help you understand the kinds of stock in your warehouses, breaking them down into different categories – raw material, finished products, and everything in between. Stock classification can help to manage stock storage, enabling a more thorough understanding of what your premises are filled with.


Another area that can massively help with optimization and efficiency is automation. Currently, the area where this can be most beneficial is in warehouse environments.

With repetitive, labor-intensive processes such as picking and packing manufacturing materials, the use of automated transport solutions such as roller conveyors can save time and reduce the risk of injury in the workplace.

Automated systems also reduce the chance of human error, which can have substantial effects in areas such as manufacturing, where any delay will potentially have a substantial knock-on effect.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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