
8 Personal Hygiene Mistakes You Might Make

Published on: June 20, 2022

Last Updated on: July 23, 2022

Personal Hygiene Mistakes

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There is more to personal hygiene than washing your body and brushing your teeth. It relates to any factors that determine your scent, breath, and cleanliness.

Despite your best efforts, you may make small or large mistakes that could affect your general smell and health.

Yet, every problem has a solution, but you first need to know where you’re going wrong. Here are eight personal hygiene mistakes you might make each day.

8 Personal Hygiene Mistakes You Should Avoid To Make:

  1. Using Too Much Toothpaste
  2. Forgetting to Clean Your Tongue
  3. Failing to Wash Your Sheets Often Enough
  4. You Have Smelly Lifestyle Choices
  5. You’re Over-Bathing
  6. Using Your Hands to Cough or Sneeze
  7. Using Your Phone in the Bathroom
  8. Showering in the Morning

1. Using Too Much Toothpaste

You might think the more toothpaste you use, the fresher your breath will be; however, this isn’t the case. The toothbrush bristles are responsible for most of the cleaning process, and excess toothpaste will cause them to glide over your teeth instead of reaching those all-important nooks and crannies in your smile.

Adults should use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste each time they brush their teeth, and kids should use a rice grain-sized amount.

2. Forgetting to Clean Your Tongue

Forgetting to clean your tongue is another oral hygiene mistake you might be guilty of making each day. Brushing your teeth will help you develop a fresh, white smile, but it doesn’t guarantee fresh breath.

In order to achieve fresh breath, you need to scrape your tongue with a u shaped tongue scraper. This will help remove any buildup on the tongue and give you the best personal hygiene and oral care.

Chat, laugh, and kiss with confidence by brushing your tongue slowly and gently, or use a more effective tongue scraper.

3. Failing to Wash Your Sheets Often Enough

How often do you wash your sheets? According to a recent survey, most people change their bedding every 24.4 days, which is approximately every three weeks. If this sounds accurate, you’ll be unhappy to learn you’re not washing your sheets often enough.

Your bedding can become a haven for bacteria if unwashed for too long. Keep dirt at bay by washing your sheets once per week, especially if you sweat during sleep. Also, it’s advised people wash their pillowcases two or three times per week.

4. You Have Smelly Lifestyle Choices

Your lifestyle can affect your overall scent. For example, if you drink too much coffee, don’t be surprised if a colleague backs away when talking closely. Also, if you often pick up cigarettes, smoke can cling to your clothing, skin, and hair.

If you suspect your lifestyle choices might be affecting your smell, look for solutions to each problem. For example, a stick of gum or a glass of water after a cup of joe could eliminate unpleasant coffee breath.

If you’re worried about smelling of smoke, switch from smelly cigarettes to the pleasant scent of a vape from Superior Vapour in Cardiff.

personal hygiene

5. You’re Over-Bathing

You might think there is nothing wrong with showering many times each day, as it eliminates unwanted smells, dirt, bacteria, old skin, and environmental debris. However, bathing too much can increase your risk of skin irritation and infection.

Dry skin can cause cracks and open wounds that can become a haven for bacteria. Many dermatologists recommend people bathe every other day or two to three times per week.

6. Using Your Hands to Cough or Sneeze

Most people don’t think twice about using their hands to cover their nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. In fact, it is often viewed as a polite thing to do.

Yet, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing will cause bacteria to land on your hands and face, or you might even feel tempted to wipe your hands on your clothes, which will increase the spread of germs.

Banish bacteria by carrying tissues and keep a loose one within close reach to catch a cough or sneeze and stop germs from spreading. After you have done so, throw the tissue away immediately. If you haven’t got a tissue, sneeze into your elbow.

7. Using Your Phone in the Bathroom

Almost everyone has used their phone in the bathroom at some point. Using your smartphone might keep you entertained when nature calls, but the device will accumulate much bacteria, which you might even spread to your face when making a call.

Keep the phone in another room at home when using a bathroom or place it in your pocket or bag until you’ve finished using public facilities.

8. Showering in the Morning

Showering might wake you up each morning, but it might be better for your hygiene to hop in at the end of the day. You will not only sleep much better, but you will wash away any oil, dirt, or impurities on your skin, which will help your bed and your body stay fresher for longer.

Now you know the personal hygiene mistakes you are guilty of making each day, you can right the wrongs to enjoy a more fragrant, healthier body.




Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow her contributions in RSLOnline and SocialMediaMagazine

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