Business Development

Smarter Logistics: Unlock The Potential Of Real-Time Vehicle Monitoring

By Arnab Dey

November 1, 2023

Real-Time Vehicle Monitoring

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Various transit agencies across the globe are incorporating advanced technologies known as intelligent transport systems (ITS) to significantly improve areas of their operations.

Among the systems being used, several agencies are now incorporating real-time vehicle monitoring to unlock the full potential of their transport network.

But what does this look like?

Using real-time vehicle monitoring in your transit agency allows you to accurately track the vehicles in your fleet as they complete journeys.

Whether it’s buses, trams, or trains, real-time vehicle monitoring can relay accurate positional information for your vehicles straight to your command center.

This is achieved through advanced devices located on board the vehicles, which monitor things such as location, position, speed, distance from the next stop, and more.

More importantly, this information is gathered, analyzed, and delivered in real time, so you have a clear overview of your vehicles’ positions at all times – and any changes are reflected immediately.

When it comes to unlocking your transit agency’s full potential, this type of ITS is crucial…

Full Visibility For Your Transport Network

Real-time vehicle monitoring offers you full visibility over your transport network and all the vehicles active in your fleet each day.

This provides an accurate awareness of any changes or issues that need addressing when it comes to running your operations smoothly.

For instance, you’ll be able to identify if any vehicles need to be diverted along an alternate route due to stationary traffic, or if one of your vehicles isn’t moving due to a breakdown.

With complete visibility from your command center, you’ll remain in control of every aspect of your operations, allowing for more prompt adjustments and resolutions for whatever may arise.

Increased Journey Efficiency

Incorporating real-time vehicle monitoring

Incorporating real-time vehicle monitoring into your transport network can also help to increase journey efficiency.

This ITS can analyze things such as vehicle location against the surrounding traffic or potential road closures.

As a result, you can receive suggestions for preferable routes that will help your vehicle reach the next stop in good time.

This can help keep each journey running efficiently, for an increase in both driver and rider satisfaction.

Improved Handling Of Rider Demand

Meeting rider demand is also important for achieving the full potential of your transit agency, and real-time vehicle monitoring can help with this.

This type of ITS can show you the predicted arrival times of each vehicle at a stop, due to accurate vehicle monitoring.

You can then receive suggestions on the best times for each vehicle to arrive at each destination, so there isn’t too long or too short of a wait between each vehicle at one stop.

This can avoid large build-ups of riders at a stop, which usually leads to an inefficient way of meeting demand, giving riders an unenjoyable experience.

By utilizing ITS such as real-time vehicle monitoring in your transit agency, you can begin to unlock the full potential of your transport operations and deliver a more effective and efficient service to your riders.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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