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Sergey Matsotsky: “Traveling Inspires New Ideas For Business Development”

Published on: September 1, 2022

Last Updated on: September 28, 2022

Sergey Matsotsky

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Tech entrepreneur Sergey Matsotsky tells how traveling becomes a source of inspiration and ideas.

Matsotsky Sergey is a tech investor and entrepreneur with IT companies in Europe and the USA.

Under his leadership, they develop custom software for various industries and launch complex infrastructural projects.

Sergey Matsotsky’s biography includes the education of a programmer, large projects and companies, as well as a number of successful startups which have filled their niche in the global market.

When telling about himself, Sergey Matsotsky (Wikipedia) says that he is not just a manager and investor, but he is directly involved in solutions development projects. He likes to be creative together with the team and generates ideas for new niches and tasks.

Developed emotional intelligence and the ability to think outside the box are currently required not only of creative professionals.

In Sergey Matsotsky’s opinion, such soft skills are no less important for the IT industry in general and for development in particular. Companies want specialists who are ready to be creative in handling tasks, acting under uncertainty, and finding offbeat approaches to projects. 

Where to seek inspiration and creative ideas

Matsotsky believes that tech entrepreneurs should be always open-minded, latch onto current trends and devise creative solutions. In fact, the success of any business depends largely on the uniqueness of an idea and continuous development.

Sources of inspiration may vary:

  • People around and close to you;
  • Books and movies;
  • Art;
  • Nature;
  • Sport;
  • Traveling.

Everyone chooses something of his own. But Sergey Matsotsky believes that traveling is probably the best way to broaden your horizons, get an energy boost, and level up your creativity. 

I am an absolute fan of travels around the world. They are a real “driver” for me. This is always a different life, nature, animals, and absolutely fantastic views. Over the last 15 years, I have visited 91 countries, and each of these countries is unique. New things around you give incredible inspiration, help to develop and explore new horizons both literally and figuratively,

~ Matsotsky

Peru and Ecuador were the first countries he discovered for himself in 2007.

Matsotsky, together with his friends, visited the most interesting places in these countries, climbed the Cotopaxi volcano, and went to the Galapagos Islands.

After this experience, travel became a real hobby and a well of energy for him.

Cotopaxi volcano

Photo: Gerard Prins

Why we need to travel

need to travel

Raja Ampat Islands

Photo: Jonathan Chase

Flights and a change of pace help get an emotional charge, learn something new, feel inspired and get away from problems. It does not matter, though, whether you travel around the country or abroad.

It is very important for me to go somewhere every now and then. When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and the borders were being closed globally, it was some sort of a trial for me. Now it is still hard to get somewhere, and it’s depressing in a way because there are so many countries I would like to go to,


New acquaintances, ideas, and creativity testing your capabilities, making quick decisions in unusual circumstances – travels can give you all of this, and more.

Top-6 inspiring countries

Sergey Matsotsky names several countries on different continents that are best remembered by him and inspired him most:

6 inspiring countries

Cotopaxi volcano

Photo: Gerard Prins

  • Bhutan
  • Myanmar (Burma)
  • Indonesia
  • Namibia
  • Iceland
  • America

In Indonesia, we had a boat ride to the Raja Ampat archipelago. This is a fantastically beautiful place with the largest coral colonies in the world. No less awesome are sand dunes and the Skeleton Coast in Namibia, grand fiords in Iceland, and canyons in America

~recalls Matsotsky. 

There are three places in the American town of Page, Arizona that has stuck in his memory: Rainbow Bridge – the largest sandstone arch in the world, Antelope Canyon – a paradise for photographers, and Horseshoe Bend – a meander of the Colorado River enchained by red rocks.

Sergey Matsotsky tells that he would like to go to Morocco, Algeria, and Northwest Africa in general, as well as to Jordan, the island of Socotra, Yemen, and Madagascar. We would enjoy traveling to Australia and New Zealand again.

Devise ideas while exploring the world

Many entrepreneurs use travel as a development tool. Trips outside of the conventional environment always have a positive impact on thinking and perception of the world.

The more a person goes somewhere, the more power, inspiration, and energy he has. Recreation and new experiences broaden the mind and give new opportunities, including those to start thinking differently, with a clean slate. 

When you visit some ancient temple, climb the mountains or raft down a river, you can not only see the beauty around but also find ideas for business development. At a time like this, the mind rests from everyday life and is therefore ready to generate new and at times nonstandard solutions,

~believes Matsotsky. 




Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn

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