Tips For Improving Your Typing Speed & Accuracy
21 February 2023
4 Mins Read

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In today’s digital age, typing has become essential for personal and professional use. Most careers that involve computer work need impeccable and fast typing skills, so having that skill would significantly help you.
Technology has made it easy for students to learn to type at a young age, as some schools have adopted computers. However, some still struggle with typing and use the hunt-and-peck technique since they don’t know the touch-type method. So here’re the secrets for tips for typing faster and more accurately.
Image by Luke Southern on Unsplash
Want to know how to get better at typing quickly? The answer is practice. Depending on your goals and availability, you’ll need to commit to a few minutes each day or more to enhance your typing pace. The more you train, the more you master the console layout, thus honing your typing ability.
Consistent practice is also vital for building muscle memory. When you keep typing, your fingers master the right location for the buttons, and you won’t need to keep checking the control panel or hunting for each button.
An excellent way to train how to type faster is to include it in your daily routine. For instance, rather than writing your notes manually, you can type them on your computer. Also, instead of hiring a typing service, you can devote a few hours to doing the job yourself and enhance your typing.
Place Your Hands Well
You should position your hands appropriately on the keypad to master how to increase typing speed. The buttons on the center row are where your fingers should be for proper placement. The right hand should be on JKL, and the left should focus on ASDF.
Suitable hand placement helps you get better at typing by reducing the time you move your fingers from one key to another. It also lets you keep your fingers in a comfy, natural position.
Furthermore, your fingers should rest lightly on the buttons, with your wrists hovering just above the keyboard’s surface. Finally, use the correct fingers to press each key. For instance, the left pinky should press the A key, the left ring finger should press the S key, and so on.
If you’re new to proper hand placement, it may take a while before you commence increasing your typing speed. Be patient and frequently train your fingers to get used to the proper position. Over time, typing will become more natural and efficient.
Take Aim At Accurateness
Most individuals catching on how to type better make the blunder of concentrating too much on the speech and forgetting about accuracy. The essential skill when mastering typing is accuracy. Speed comes after you’ve got the hang of the control panel and know where each key is without glancing.
Start typing slowly while focusing on flawlessness, ensuring you hit the correct buttons with the right fingers. It’s imperative to avoid glancing at the keyboard, as it can disrupt your rhythm and cause blunders. So focus on the screen and trust your motor memory to direct your fingers to the appropriate buttons.
Noteworthy, you’ll make some blunders while grasping how to become faster at typing. If you make an error, don’t hit the backspace key and rectify it immediately. Instead, assess why you blundered, whether due to incorrect finger positioning or typing too speedily. It’ll help you pinpoint areas for improvement and concentrate on accuracy.
Get A Comfy Keypad
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A sure approach to improve typing speed is to use a comfy keypad. An uncomfortable or poorly designed keyboard can cause hand fatigue. Consider factors such as button spacing, key travel, and tactile feedback when choosing a keyboard. Key spacing is the distance separating the keys, affecting how swiftly and flawlessly you type. Key travel is the strength required to press down on a key, which can impact the pace and ease of typing. Finally, tactile feedback is the sensation felt when pressing a key, which can assist in determining whether you have pressed the right button.
Final Thoughts
Improving typing speed and accuracy requires dedication. However, the above secrets will make you adept at typing, whether you’re a student, professional, or simply seeking to improve your typing skills. Remember to place your hands appropriately and focus on flawlessness. With time and constant training, you’ll become a skilled typist and boost your productivity in both your personal and professional life.
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