Digital Marketing

The Dos And Don’ts Of Digital Marketing

By Arnab Dey

December 29, 2022

Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing is the process of designing, building, and executing digital strategies for businesses to better reach their target audience.

And its beauty is in the fact that it can be used by companies of all sizes to attract new customers, retain current clients, generate more revenue, and increase brand awareness.

But with so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for your business. That’s why our digital marketing agency in London has compiled a quick list of the dos and don’ts of digital marketing, so you can make informed decisions for your business.

Important dos of digital marketing

dos of digital marketing

1. Be authentic and original

Authenticity is one of the most crucial aspects of digital marketing. Today, it is not enough to just create content that appeals to your audience; you also have to make sure it resonates with them on an emotional level.

The way you present yourself online can have an impact on whether or not a prospect clicks through from their search results page, but it is more than that.

Creating content that people want to read and share is essential for driving traffic back to your website and encouraging conversions. And that comes from finding your brand’s true voice and having your marketing efforts reflect what your business stands for.

2. Have a primary goal for your marketing efforts

Digital marketing is about reaching out to as many people as possible through multiple channels at once. However, every channel needs its own goals and objectives in order to be successful.

Successful marketing has a clear, single goal for each campaign. The best digital marketing campaigns are also those that follow a consistent theme and have a specific target audience in mind.

If you are running an email marketing campaign, for example, your goal could be to increase website clicks or conversions. Similarly, if you are running an ad campaign on social media, your goal could be to raise brand awareness or sales by 50%.

It is only once you have set your primary goal for all of your marketing efforts that you can formulate a strategy for reaching that objective.

To do that, you will need to identify who is most likely to respond to your message (based on your audience research) and what kind of content would work best with them.

For example, are they more likely to trust emails to buy things or social media ads? Do they visit sites like Pinterest or Instagram? Do they follow influencers? If yes, what kind? Once you know all this information about your audience, you can configure your campaigns to align with their needs and achieve your marketing goals.

Related: 8 Reasons To Add Whatsapp To Your Digital Marketing Strategy

3. Use the right analytical tools to measure your campaigns

Digital marketing is more than just running ads or posting content. It is about taking your business from good to great by using all available channels and building a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that takes into account all aspects of your business, including your product, service, and brand identity.

All of this requires meticulous monitoring as well as measuring what works and what doesn’t in order to optimize your campaigns. In other words, you shouldn’t just throw money at digital channels and hope they work. You need data-driven strategies that work across multiple channels and platforms, so you can make adjustments accordingly.

Analytical tools help you do just that! They help you track each and every aspect of your marketing so that you can fix what’s broken and double down on what’s working. Tools like Google Analytics are free and offer highly reliable data, on which you can actually bet your money.

4. Test different channels and content formats to see what works for you

Digital marketing opens your business up to various techniques and platforms for growing your business and reaching new markets. There are various types of digital marketing that can help grow your business: SEO (search engine optimization), PPC (pay-per-click advertising), social media marketing, and so on. But not all of them work for everyone. Each type has its own pros and cons.

If you are like most small businesses, you can’t invest in all of them. Therefore, you ought to choose the right one for your needs before starting any campaigns!

Understandably, it isn’t possible to know which channel is the right one unless you try it out. Hence, you should not overlook the importance of testing different tactics with the same audience.

This means running A/B tests on your website or app where two versions of the same page are tested against each other, preferably using split-testing software, such as Optimizely.

Important don’ts of digital marketing

don’ts of digital marketing

A. Forget to optimize your site for mobile users

Digital marketing responds better when your site is mobile-optimized. Since 50% of your website traffic comes from mobile devices, your site must look good, respond well, and allow users to see information on small screens as well as it does on a desktop.

B. Forget to create a buyer persona

The name of the game in digital marketing is connecting with people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer. To do that, you need to know who your audience is and what they want. This involves creating buyer personas — fictional characters that represent real people who buy from your company — so that you can tailor your messaging accordingly.

C. Be invasive

You will have a much better chance of converting leads into potential customers if it feels like they are being welcomed into your business instead of being sold to. If a potential customer comes across your campaigns and feels that it is too sales-y or pushy, they are likely to be turned off by it and not engage with your brand further.

So, avoid being invasive by simply putting a cap on your campaigns so that every viewer will view them only a specific number of times if they don’t interact with you at all.

D. Be inconsistent

Consistency is probably one of the most important aspects of digital marketing and yet it is often overlooked by new marketers. Consistency not only means that you need to be consistent in your marketing efforts but also in the way that you do them.

What type of content do you use? What are your targets? How often do you want to post a blog article every week? These are all questions that need to be answered before launching a new campaign.

Remember that consistency will always be rewarded with organic rewards.

E. Put all your eggs in one basket

Just because you have read somewhere that Facebook ads deliver high ROI doesn’t mean that you should go all-in. Your business could benefit more from diversifying into Reddit or Pinterest ads based on your user base.

Relying on one channel can also increase your risks if the platform experiences downtime, for example. This is why it is always recommended to take a holistic approach.

Digital marketing can be used to drive traffic to your website and convert that traffic into sales. It can help you build brand awareness and loyalty by providing value that consumers are willing to share with others. All this in a cost-effective way. But you need the right people on your team to do that. Get in touch with our team to learn more.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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