
5 Things You Should Do To Make Your Magazine Stand Out From The Crowd

By mashum.mollah

October 13, 2022

Your Magazine

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With the advent of more and more online magazines, you could be forgiven for thinking that there will soon be no need for magazine printing companies. However, this could not be further from the truth as printed magazines are still as popular today as they always have been.

One of the main reasons for this is that customers enjoy the familiarity of things like layout, content and design that make the printed magazine feel like an old friend. When someone buys a printed magazine they have something tangible, and the fact they have spent money on it means they are more invested in the product, and as such will make sure they get value out of it by reading it from cover to cover.

So, if you are a magazine what are some of the steps you should take to ensure your magazine continues to retain your existing customer base and attract new ones?

In this article, we highlight a few things that we feel are essential in producing a quality publication.

Top 5 Strategies To Make Magazine Stand Out From the Crowd

 Make Magazine Stand Out

1. Planning is Paramount

Every magazine starts with an idea, however, to get that idea into print you need a plan. Having a definite plan and following it will make the whole process so much easier. It is important in the planning stage that you set out your goals and what you want to achieve at the end of it.

In the planning stage, you should look at what content you want to include, where to source your information and how to incorporate your photographs and decide on your design.

2. Ensure All Your Images Are of the Highest Quality

If you want to produce a quality magazine, you must only use high-resolution images. Quality pictures play an important part in the reader experience and today’s consumers are far less tolerant of poor quality.

One thing the internet has done is given people access to tools that allow them to better appreciate the value of quality photographs. The resolution of your pictures should always be at least 300m pixels per inch and things like jpeg, PSD and pdf are all perfect for image printing.

3. Focus on the Font

Along with the design and the pictures, the most important thing about your magazine is that it is user-friendly and easy to read. Let’s face it if consumers find it difficult to read they are unlikely to buy it.

If you want your magazine to have a uniform look then it is probably better to keep the font the same throughout your magazine. However, you could consider using different fonts for individual articles to match the theme of the piece.

4. Choose your Colours Carefully

Choosing the wrong colours can hurt the overall quality of your magazine. While colours will add value and life to the printed word you need to make sure they are the correct ones. Always ensure your images are in the right colour mode as using colours that are not compatible will change the final look of your magazine.

5. Choose the Correct Printing Technique

When it comes to printing you have the choice of three different types. Digital, Offset Printing or web press printing. Make sure that you discuss everything with your printer before going to press to ensure your document is compatible with the printing technique that they intend to use.

Hopefully, the information contained in this article will help you when it comes to designing and producing your magazine and giving your customers the best possible experience.





Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn

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