Small Business

How Remote Work Can Benefit Your Small Business

Published on: June 17, 2021

Last Updated on: June 18, 2021

Remote Work

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Many small business owners disparage the very concept of remote work. The way these individuals see it, being present is a big part of any job. As such, employees cannot effectively perform their respective job duties outside of a formal work environment.

However, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us, there are numerous benefits to allowing employees to work remotely. Even bosses who were once vehemently opposed to telecommuting have come to appreciate its advantages. If you’re still on the fence regarding whether or not to allow your team members to work remotely, consider the following perks.

Heightened Productivity

Heightened Productivity

One of the key reasons so many business owners are opposed to remote work is the idea that operating from home decreases productivity.

After all, one’s residence is filled with potential distractions that could prevent work from being completed at a steady clip. While this line of reasoning is somewhat understandable, it’s also extremely misguided. Research has shown that, if anything, the ability to work remotely is conducive to an increase in productivity.

Even if you’re not a fan of remote work as a concept, heightened productivity is a good thing for your financial bottom line. The more productive your team members are, the faster jobs are completed – and the faster jobs are completed, the happier your clients are likely to be. Business owners looking for ways to tangibly measure productivity levels would do well to invest in dependable business intelligence solutions.

Reduced Stress

Reduced Stress

It’s no secret that working a traditional nine-to-five job is stressful. While heavy workloads can certainly be a contributing factor, having to conform to a needlessly rigid work schedule is highly conducive to workplace stress.

As many businesses have come to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic, most employees don’t need to be physically present in a formal office to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. So, if you’re still requiring your team members to report to the office on a daily basis and keep work hours that have no real bearing on productivity levels, it’s time to reexamine this.

For many members of the workforce, reporting to a traditional workplace serves no purpose outside of contributing to stress. Working in an office typically requires people to get up earlier than they’d like, brave uncomfortable commutes, and get dressed up in order to perform job duties they could just as easily carry out from the comfort and safety of home.

This can be particularly stressful for employees who have children and other family obligations to attend to. So, if the reason for your continued opposition to remote work is something akin to “Things have always been this way,” there’s never been a better time to change your way of thinking.

Increased Employee Retention

Increased Employee Retention

Unsurprisingly, many members of the workforce are getting fed up with being treated as expendable commodities by their employers. This has become apparent in people’s refusal to work for companies that offer unbelievably low wages and refuse to provide many benefits.

Furthermore, many people who grew accustomed to working remotely during the pandemic, are opting to quit their jobs rather than return to the office. While some employers may regard this behavior as perplexing, it’s very easy to understand from a worker’s perspective.

Through working from home, they’ve come to realize that reporting to an office is largely pointless, and if their employers are going to insist on making them engage in this fruitless exercise, they’re going to pursue other opportunities. Conversely, by continuing to allow your employees to work remotely, you’ll be setting the stage for solid retention rates and heightened company loyalty.

For the longest time, many of us have simply accepted reporting to an office as an inescapable part of the work experience. However, throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of enterprises and individual workers have come to realize that most desk jobs don’t require a regular physical presence in a traditional workplace.

Although some business owners still regard remote work as a radical concept, it can prove highly beneficial to both members of the workforce and their respective employers. So, if your small business has yet to embrace remote work, the advantages discussed above are certainly worth considering.

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