Preparing Yourself For Spending Winter At The Cottage
08 November 2022
3 Mins Read

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Ontario is a big province with plenty to do all year round, but winter is especially beautiful. Skiing, snowboarding, dog sledding, ice skating, and other winter sports and activities are available at the province’s numerous attractive ski resorts and parklands.
You may find gorgeous winter cottage rentals in Ontario, like those found in the Huntsville real estate market, that help you make the most of your winter wonderland, whether you’re seeking a family winter vacation or a romantic winter getaway.
Here are some top ways to prepare for your upcoming winter getaway at a cottage!
Top 7 Ways Of Spending Winter At The Cottage

1. Have Winter Tires
Winter tires significantly improve traction on icy, snowy country roads, whether you install them yourself or have a professional do it. The softer rubber grabs into the snow and ice when you need traction the most.
2. Plan in the Event of a Dig Out
Of course, when you’re driving, you want to avoid crashing into snowbanks or sinking your tires deep into the snow, but accidents sometimes happen. Have a means of escape: put a shovel in your trunk; do you have a cat?
If you need to get out of that bin quickly, spread your floor mats in front of the wheels. Kitty litter is also excellent for providing grip.
3. Stock up on Wood
You’ll want to get that fire going, so stock up early. (Also, remember to keep matches on hand.) depending on where your cottage is, haulers make deliveries, but you want to learn before you’re almost out before learning they’re low.
4. Mind the Dark
The further north you go, the sooner it gets dark in the winter. If you turn off the power as you leave, keep a flashlight or headlight in your car for when you come.
Power shortages can happen suddenly when the weather gets rough. Power shortages lasted for several days. Consider keeping candles and solar lights on hand in case the weather turns sour, or the power goes out. (Fortunately, you already have a supply of matches.)
5. Prevent Frozen Pipes
You might be used to hauling water up if your cottage isn’t winterized. If you live somewhere that stays above freezing, it’s a good idea to fill a jug at home or keep water in the cottage as a backup since even if it is winterized, there is always a danger of the pipes freezing or the pump breaking.
6. Prepare for Failing Car Batteries
In some parts of the nation, temperatures can fall so low that they kill car batteries. It’s not a terrible idea to have an extension cord that you can run from your cottage to plug in a block heater, and jumper cables are always a good idea.
7. Connect with Neighbours
One of the best things about winter camping is that lakes are typically much less inhabited in the winter; nevertheless, this also means solitude.
To know who is nearby in case of an emergency, find out who else is climbing, just in case the smoke rising from their chimneys isn’t evident enough.
Take this opportunity to introduce yourself, exchange phone numbers, and, for extra credit, bring a post-holiday cookie tin if you don’t already know them.
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