White Lightning

The History Of Shipping

Ancient Era (From 3000 Bc To 5th Century Ad)

– Egyptians and Phoenicians took over the seas with wooden ships. – They traded spices, textiles and all other goods and prospered in the Mediterranean Sea.

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Age Of Discovery (From 15th Century To 18th Century)

– Portugal, England and other European countries-built ships for better exploration and colonization. – Components like Compass and new ship-building techniques opened new ways for global trading.

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Industrial Revolution And Global Shipping (From 18th Century To 19th Century)

– The shipping industry was revolutionized through the invention of steamship. – The journey became faster and reliable. – The cargo ships grew larger and facilitated mass transportation of goods.

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The Modern Era Of Shipping (From 20th Century To Present) 

– The shipping transformed into containerization. – It allowed efficient loading and unloading for goods. – The heavily engineered modern ships carry everything across the globe.

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