Business Development

Top Ways To Ensure Better Communication Between Teams

Published on: January 31, 2023

Last Updated on: July 13, 2024


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The driving factor behind everything you do at work is effective communication. The better communication between teams, the better your organizational culture! Poor communication can result in subpar performance and low employee morale.

Developing effective team communication styles is relatively easy. This becomes even more important because, as established, effective team communication is key to a company’s success. Therefore, you should not be too concerned if your company is having difficulty communicating effectively right now.

As a business owner, looking for ways to improve communication within your teams is only natural. For example, various reliable intranet solutions can help you improve employee engagement, raising output and quality. Keep on reading to learn more about such strategies.

In this article, we’ll discuss communication best practices for your company.

Improve Participation

While micromanagement is undesirable in all cases, teams can need more engagement with leadership and teamwork. Managers must support their teams while allowing their members creative independence.

As a team leader, consider holding weekly workshops and brainstorming meetings to exchange ideas and information with your team members. When gathering suggestions from your team, remember to express your appreciation for each suggestion. This demonstrates to your team that you are behind them.

Avoid Escalating Disputes

Workplace disputes might begin small and appear unimportant. One team member might, for instance, make changes to a document that a few members were collectively working on without informing the other team members. This may lead to conflict and confusion.

Conflicts that team members don’t immediately resolve escalate, negatively impacting work output. Suppose the said team member consistently makes changes to the document without consulting the other team members, and they fail to express how this affects their job. In that case, the other team members may grow resentful and impatient.

Teach your team members conflict resolution techniques so they can handle situations in a timely, respectful, and straightforward manner. Minor issues don’t grow into larger ones in this way.

Focus On Being Transparent

Focus On Being Transparent

Transparency is valued by team members in a collaborative workplace. You may lessen the likelihood of miscommunication and any problems accompanying it by being honest with your team.

Being truthful about company performance and sharing information as it develops are two ways leaders might be more transparent. You should also offer constructive feedback to your team members so they can develop their abilities.

Most significantly, linking their day-to-day activities to long-term objectives is essential. Providing context for team members and demonstrating the significance of their work can boost motivation and help team members feel appreciated.

It would help if you also remembered that transparency and oversharing are not the same. It’s beneficial for your team members to know, for instance, whether the company fulfilled its revenue targets for the year. But at the same time, you are not required to discuss your personal problems with the boss.

Encourage Bottom-Up Communication

If you want your team members to feel confident while presenting their ideas, they might need some encouragement.

You can encourage them by asking them for their suggestions, criticism, and viewpoints. You can additionally encourage your team members through meetings, questionnaires, one-on-one conversations, etc.

Make Time For One-On-One Meetings

Interactions among team members allow them to share their experiences. During regular one-on-one sessions, you can discuss their problems and challenges and inquire about their general well-being. When you give your employees the freedom to speak openly, they will feel more confident.

5 Companies That Have Excellent Team Communication 

Excellent Team Communication 

There are several companies that have excellent team communication skills. You should be well aware of the facts that can assist you in reaching your goals with complete ease.

Some of the core factors that you must take care of here are as follows:- 

1. Zapier 

This automation company prioritizes asynchronous communication processes. Most of the time, they leverage tools like Slack and Loom to get all the updates and avoid real-time meetings. 

It allows all the team members time and flexibility for focused work. In this company two way communication do exists between the team members. So, you can take their examples while building your team building strategy for your team. 

2. Valve 

Valve is another one of the best examples of two-way communication between teams. This video game developer company maintains a flat company structure with minimum hierarchy. 

This information is easily accessible among the employees and are encouraged directly among the team to communicate. Thus, this open exchange and transparency encourages perfect ideas that fuel innovation. 

3. Holacracy 

This company is focused on organizational software that makes use of a unique management structure that can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level. It keeps on emphasizing distributed decision-making. 

Among the regular team circles where, the process of communication is regular, and feedback plays a valuable role. Additionally, you should follow their smooth communication styles within your team. 

4. Hubspot 

This marketing and sales company leverages a variety of tools. You need to identify the best solution that can boost the scope of your brand value to the next level. Slack, Zoom, and Google Drive will help you to keep connected and well-informed. 

Most of the time, they have a strong company culture that emphasizes collaboration and ensures open communication. You can seek their examples to improve the process of your communication in a better manner. 

5. Gitlab 

Gitlab is another one of the best examples of top-class communication among teams that you can follow in your organization. This is actually a software development company that operates entirely and remotely. 

Most of the time, they prioritize asynchronous communication that comprises clear documentation and uses the process of video conferencing effectively. Additionally, you should be well aware of the scenarios that can boost the scope of your brand value to a greater level. 


We now know how crucial good communication is to an organization’s success. The methods described here can be used to enhance teamwork within your organization. Get started with the implementation right away!

Hence, you should understand the facts that can assist you in meeting your needs with complete ease. Ensure that you follow the best process that can make things work well in your favor. You should ensure that you maintain a better solution on your end. 

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Mony Shah

With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on business, finance and tech niches.

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