Business Planning

Corporate Culture Shock: Why Going Back to Work Will be Hard

Published on: June 9, 2021

Last Updated on: September 9, 2024

Back to Work

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After the pandemic rocked the globe, we’re finally at a point that things are opening back up. With vaccines proven and plentiful, people all over are preparing to get back to the office.

But will people be eager or even ready to head back to this disrupted routine? Not without some growing pains.

Here’s a breakdown of the culture shock that comes with getting back to work.

People Have Gotten Used to the Comfort of Remote Work

The jury is out, and experts are saying that remote work is here to stay. It was the first time that many people had to work from home, and many people realized that they liked it.

Both employees and companies found out that they could accomplish a lot of the same things without having people actually show up to the office. Professionals appreciate being able to get set up and going in their homes, rather than having to brave the traffic and undergo a hectic commute.

Many people have set up home offices and have gotten into new routines that they won’t be so keen to disrupt.

There’s a Mental Health Aspect to Getting Back Out Into the World

Let’s face it — COVID-19 has been quite the scary experience. Many people also experienced personal tragedies during the pandemic.

As a result, it’s not going to be a no-brainer that people will want to just get back out into the world right away. People’s anxiety will be at all-time highs, and going back to the office will likely have many people on edge.

Employee mental health will be huge for companies moving forward. Companies will need to provide resources to help their employees out with this adjustment.

No One Likes to Be Micromanaged

Perhaps the biggest reason it will be difficult to get people back out is that employees don’t want the boss breathing down their necks. They have gotten used to getting their work done on their terms and on their time, without having to answer to anyone in person.

It will feel like a step back for many people to go back into the office to answer for things that they didn’t have to for a year-and-a-half.

Professionals Have Developed a Daily Routine That Works for Them

Finally, it’s important to remember that human beings are creatures of habit. It’s going to be difficult to shake people out of their new way of life — particularly because it’s been working.

Going back to the office and creating new routines will feel a lot like taking on a brand new job all over again.

People who never worked from home before have mastered it, and have downloaded apps and widgets to assist with their productivity. Even little things like learning how to access Tumblr safe mode have become part of people’s daily routines.

Jobs will have to make it worth people’s time if they’re going to get them back in earnest.

The Ramifications of Getting Back to Work

Getting back to work isn’t going to be as easy as it sounds. The tips above explain why this will be a learning curve that companies and employees in every industry will have to get through together.

Check back for more information on business matters that will make a difference in your life.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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