
Top 8 Tips For Marketing A New Service

By mashum.mollah

March 23, 2022

New Service

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Whether your business is already well established or is brand new, you’re going to need some marketing tactics under your belt to advertise your new service or product.

It’s not enough to simply add a new service to your website or blog – you’re going to need to appeal directly to your target audience and pique their interest as soon as possible if you want to drive sales which, presumably, you do.

But where should you start? Don’t worry, because we’ve found the best tried-and-tested marketing methods for you, and here are the top 8 that all marketers swear by.

 1) Create animation explainer videos for promo

 1) Create animation explainer videos for promo

If video content is largely considered the best kind of advertorial content, then animated explainer videos must be top of the list.

An animated explainer video is a video that explains what the service does to make something complicated seem simple. They’re widely popular online and can elevate your efforts when it comes to marketing your new service.

Consumers are attracted by interesting visuals, bright colors, and quirky stories. You should try to grab their attention in a 30-second animated explainer video by using these reliable staples.

Your graphic should focus on the key unique selling points of your service and of your brand, too.

And the best news is that animated explainer videos can be utilized on social media and within your blog content to maximize your reach and improve your SEO efforts even further.

2) Understand your demographics

If you want your business or service to be successful, it is crucial that you have conducted some market research ahead of the creation stage.

Here, you need to identify and understand your customer base. What works well, what do they like, what makes them tick, and what kind of marketing best appeals to them.

For example, if your new service has a target market of men aged 50+, a TikTok advert might not be the best place to start, but a tailored email marketing campaign could attract their attention.

And even if your other services have had success on certain platforms before, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will return the same results for your new service.

So, get to know your demographics inside and out for this particular product that you’re selling. From there, you can cater your marketing strategy and implement steps to monitor your progress.

3) Entice with a discount

3) Entice with a discount

One of the oldest tricks in the book is still being used successfully to this day – and that is to entice new customers to your service with an irresistible discount.

You can create hype around your new service by putting a time-limited discount on orders, too.

For example, you could create a temporary discount for 24 hours on all first orders of the service. This tactic alone can generate interest and excitement as most people love a good bargain.

Just make sure that you are advertising the deal as much as possible through email campaigns and on social media so that the opportunity doesn’t skip by your target market.

4) Reward loyalty

There is a reason why customers love points schemes and exclusive discounts: they’re rewarded for their loyalty and can save money in the process. It’s a win-win for both parties.

When introducing a new product, why not appeal to your existing loyal customer base and entice them in further with an exclusive discount? Or, perhaps your devoted clients could benefit from an exclusive preview or pre-order of the service.

Whatever you decide, rewarding loyalty is a good way to go to continue spreading the message about your brand. Having a demonstrable history of rewarding customers will improve your brand visibility, increase engagement and hike up your reputation, too.

5) Utilise social media for a global audience

5) Utilise social media for a global audience

There is no getting around it: your business has to be on social media if it is to compete in the market.

The vast majority of the world’s population is on some form of social media platform, and you can tap directly into your global target audience by utilizing social media platforms to your advantage.

You can use social media to announce the new service, post videos, press releases, and blog posts, and increase engagement on a much broader scale.

6) Explore outdoor advertising and print to increase awareness

However, although social media may be optimal for reaching as many people as possible, do not underestimate the power of print and outdoor advertising.

Billboards are still hugely successful at attracting attention, and sometimes the most simple advertisements do the best. Think of a striking image, captivating colors, a couple of keywords, and a clear call to action to reel passers-by in on your service.

However, you should also be thinking of the location of your billboard or the readership of the print magazine your advertisement is placed in. Again, look into those demographics more closely and you’ll find your answer if this is the best route for you.

7) SEO content (blogs) for engagement

7) SEO content (blogs) for engagement

To drive even more traffic to your new service, consider writing a series of blogs that promote the service. This content should detail everything about it with FAQs, unique selling points, and customer reviews.

Your blog content should try to rank for your keywords here, so be sure to establish the best ‘white hat SEO practices. You should also be optimizing the content so that Google can reward your efforts by bumping your website up a few notches.

8) Nurture leads with email marketing

Last but certainly not least, you should have a concrete email marketing strategy in place that allows you to nurture existing relationships and appeal to new customers.

Fortunately, email marketing is relatively inexpensive: all you need is a good pitch that is personable and interesting, and a good mailing list.

So there you have the top 8 marketing practices of 2022 and beyond. Which ones will you be using to promote your new service?

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Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn

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