
Unlocking The Power Of Mobile Apps For Your Business Website

Published on: December 22, 2023

Last Updated on: March 15, 2024


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These days, we’re practically glued to our phones from dawn to dusk. And when those phone screens light up, it means most of us are about to tap into our favorite mobile apps. In fact, a staggering 85% of time spent on smartphones is using apps. Yeah, they’re kind of a big deal. In this article, you will get a glimpse of the power of mobile apps.

Current estimates reveal that the average smartphone owner interacts with a whopping 9-10 apps each day and around 30 different apps every month. Whether it’s connecting with friends, shopping, entertainment, working out, or even meditating, sleek personalized apps deliver optimized tapping and swiping experiences for consumers across all industries.

Power Of Mobile Apps: Transforming Your Website Experience Into An App

As a business, you’ve likely invested heavily in your website. Yet even gorgeous, high-functioning sites falter when customers open them on mobile devices. Hard-to-read text, cramped navigation, and clumsy interfaces just don’t cut it on mobile.

So, how can you engage visits beyond frustrating pinching and scrolling website sessions? Well, let’s break it down into four key steps:

  • Step one: Convert your website to an app. You can do this by leveraging user-friendly app-building platforms to avoid coding from scratch and easily migrate existing web content into mobile layouts optimized for any smartphone.
  • Step two: Polish and customize design elements. Incorporate icons, fonts, colors, and layouts to match your branding. Get the visuals right.
  • Step three: Configure app features. Take advantage of capabilities such as offline mode, push notifications, and mobile payments. This customizes the experience to leverage native device capabilities that are harder to integrate into websites.
  • Step four: Continuously refine the app post-launch. Monitor analytics on usage patterns and high-value actions, updating the app to encourage desired behavior and reduce friction. This optimization mindset improves engagement and conversion over time.

For those of you who have been involved in app building in the past, you’ll remember that going “full app” used to require hiring armies of developers, designers and more for complex custom builds. And even then, apps seemed only feasible for huge companies willing to fund those battling coding marathoners trying to meet submissions.

But today, converting an existing website into a polished mobile app has become a total breeze – no matter whether you’re a modest local service provider or a Fortune 500 enterprise. User-friendly app platforms handle migration and configuration through simple interfaces, with minimal to zero coding required.

Does the Power Of Mobile Apps Make Mobile Better?

Even if the technicals are no longer a barrier, change can still be scary. Opening up a new channel and diverting people away from your website, your tried and true website might sound risky. But despite these concerns, bringing your digital real estate into the mobile app world is definitely worth it.

Built specifically for smaller touchscreens, apps create experiences with pixel-perfect precision. Whereas websites need tricky workarounds like horizontal scrolling, zoomed-out text, and hidden navigation to cram things onto phones, with native apps, every element feels deliberately placed for thumbs and fingers. Content formats to screens beautifully. Buttons beg to be pressed with ideal spacing.

And apps go way beyond fitting sites into attractive packages. They open up game-changing capabilities websites simply can’t tap into natively:

Push Notifications – Do you know those timely alerts you opt in for from Amazon, social media apps, and more? Now imagine having a direct line to customers even when they aren’t browsing your app. Send personalized updates, special deals, and new product announcements, and keep your brand at the forefront of their minds on their devices.

Offline Access – Apps allow stuffing content, inventory data, and other info right onto user devices. This means customers can engage freely regardless of problematic network connections. Queue up purchases as you ride a subway and complete them when service resumes.

Accelerometer and Camera – Websites can only go so far when it comes to directly leveraging handy built-in smartphone features. But apps unlock completely new engagement opportunities through device hardware integrations. Want customers to literally shake their phones to unlock deals? Easy with built-in accelerometers. What about scanning special in-store QR codes to reveal discounts? Camera access makes it a breeze. Apps even allow wild augmented reality effects using real-time locations and positional data thanks to GPS.

Apps Drive More Visibility And Discovery

Imagine walking into a crowded supermarket on the busiest shopping day of the year. Hundreds of brands on the shelves all clamor for your attention. Then suddenly, a store associate appears and guides you directly to the right aisle – barely a soul is in sight, and your favorite brand is on display prominently.

Making an app feels a bit like this VIP treatment. By entering your brand into the iOS and Android app stores, you unlock premium digital real estate that millions actively browse each day. No longer buried among cluttered website results and fruitless social media scrolling. App stores put relevant searching first, matching users to apps to solve their needs or interests.

To get a sense of the scale of the opportunity at hand, Apple’s store alone saw over 650 million visits weekly last year. Global app downloads grow significantly annually. That’s a ton of potential new customers actively exploring and engaging with apps like yours.

Through preview images, descriptions, and reviews, your brand can shine on its own virtual shelf. Sprinkle in some search optimization best practices, and your discoverability reaches new heights. The bottom line is that apps unlock serious visibility advantages for brands ready to meet mobile consumers where they are.

In Summary

To recap, our increasingly mobile lives mean customers expect digitally optimized engagement wherever they are. Thankfully, transitioning existing web presences into full-fledged apps has never been more user-friendly or attainable for businesses of any size. Hence, you might understand the power of mobile apps.

By prioritizing convenience through tailored features like notifications, personalized recommendations, and simplified transactions, brands can future-proof their relevance in the palm of consumers’ hands. It’s time to meet people on the go where they already live their digital lives.

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Barsha Bhattacharya

Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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