Digital Marketing

Self-Storage Digital Marketing Tips To Drive More Leads To Your Business

Published on: June 9, 2022

Last Updated on: June 10, 2022

Self Storage Digital Marketing

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Are you new to the self-storage digital marketing game and wondering how to make the most of your venture?

Or, perhaps you’re an experienced self-storage provider wanting to improve your marketing efforts to compete with the rest of the businesses in your territory. Regardless of why you need help, the information in this article will serve you well.

The self-storage industry has increased in recent years. People living in modern dwellings and students studying in various cities have relied on storage units. After all, there is never enough space in their homes and suitcases to fit everything.

Hundreds of companies offer customers storage solutions as more people look for space.

As a result, if you are one of them, make an effort to stand out from the crowd and easily reach more customers. To that end, you must expand your internet marketing horizons.

You could start with a simple website to ensure that people can find your company online.

Establish a business profile on social media because most people search for storage businesses on Instagram and Facebook. You can do many other things to create a crack-less digital marketing strategy and attract more leads.

Here are a few internet marketing tips that will help you grow your self-storage business:

6 Self-Storage Digital Marketing Tips For More Leads:

Self-Storage Digital Marketing Tips


  1. Prepare an SEO audit for self-storage 
  2. Enhance your website’s design
  3. Create a social media plan 
  4. Email marketing
  5. Concentrate on referral marketing
  6. Start Pay-Per-Click ads 

1. Prepare an SEO audit for self-storage 

Every digital marketer understands that ranking on Google requires a strategic search engine optimization (SEO) approach.

Furthermore, learning how to use SEO and incorporating it into your self storage internet marketing will assist you in making money.

SEO audit

SEO quickly directs to keywords. Most customers will Google “storage warehouses near me,” but ranking for those “near me” keywords can be difficult because they don’t appear natural on your website. You can still rank regionally on Google’s first page by doing a few other things.

  • Ensure that your company’s address is consistent and accurate across all business listings (Google My Business, Yellow Pages, etc.)
  • Promote your website by exchanging links with local businesses.
  • Check your Google My Business account for accuracy and completeness.
  • In your meta tags, include local keywords
  • Create unique content for your website.

SEO is a comprehensive approach to Google ranking that requires many moving parts to get it right. In addition, SEO requires ongoing audits, regular monitoring of keyword rankings, and maintenance.

2. Enhance your website’s design

Enhance the web design once you’ve established an SEO strategy. After all, you don’t want visitors to leave because of complicated design and connectivity.

You must illustrate that you are the right company to meet everyone’s storage requirements through web design. You must modify the aesthetics and functionality to accomplish this.

website's design

To begin, make navigation simple by including a well-organized search bar. It will allow your customers to find the services they are looking for without browsing the entire website.

Second, include graphics on the website because everyone enjoys color and vigor. You can, for example, have videos and photos of the storage unit. It would provide customers with a clear picture of your products and services, making them easier to purchase.

Finally, you must create valid code so that search engine bots can easily crawl your site. You can also work on improving design and visibility by including alt tags and meta descriptions.

3. Create a social media plan 

Social media marketing is now one of the most effective ways to reach customers. Social sharing frameworks expose businesses to a large number of people.

As a result, if you don’t have a social media marketing strategy for your storage company, you may be falling behind. You must create a business profile on all social media platforms to raise brand awareness.

 social media plan 

Similarly, you must post images of storage units, interact with customers, and discuss your designs. Additionally, add customer testimonials and reviews to your social profiles to upsurge brand loyalty.

People are more likely to purchase your services if they see others recommending them.

4. Email marketing

Because it is essentially free, email marketing is one of the most prevalent Internet marketing strategies.

The only thing you need to start this sort of campaign is the email addresses of your prospective customers.

Email marketing

You can collect email addresses from visitors by including calls to action on your website that ask for contact information. It gives you the correct information you need to have in your email marketing strategy.

Your email marketing campaign could include monthly or bi-weekly email blasts with newsletters about your prices, service coupons, etc. When people receive good deals directly in their inboxes, they rarely turn them down.

5. Concentrate on referral marketing

Referrals are a low-cost and effective way to increase business; most small companies get about 60% of their business through referrals!

So, how do you obtain them? You must first request them!

referral marketing

Of course, you’ll get some unwelcome referrals, but don’t be shy about asking for them; asking for them is much more likely to result in rapid performance.

When you’ve just solved an issue for a renter or made them happy somehow, it’s best to ask for a referral, known as the “principle of reciprocity.”

An incentive is another way to get referrals; generally, cash works best! Perhaps $50 off the referring party’s next month’s rent or a $20 gift card for each referral. A new paying customer is a small price to pay.

6. Start Pay-Per-Click ads 

(PPC) ads on Google have proven to be highly profitable to local companies. So, why not start running PPC ads for your storage company?

It will drive traffic to your website by utilizing keywords users search for on Google.


The advertisements would be displayed on websites, search engines, and social media forums. You can even redirect the ads to users who have previously visited your website to encourage them to convert.

Furthermore, these ads use a bidding system, so you can set the sum of money you want to spend.

Entrepreneurs with a limited budget can choose customized plans and launch advertisements. When it comes to PPC, the return on investment is quite massive. As a result, you will generate valuable revenue.


The digital world is vast, but you must adhere to systems and tactics that align with your business model.

Also, not all of these strategies will be compatible with your business model. Perhaps your units are always full, but you have a slow season in the spring and need more paid ads during that time.

Or maybe you rank high on Google but require a boost from word-of-mouth. Hence, choose an internet marketing strategy compatible with your self-storage facility business.




Sumona is a persona, having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of her professional commitments, she carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow her contributions in RSLOnline and SocialMediaMagazine

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