
Best Design Tips For Marketing Presentations

Published on: September 12, 2022

Last Updated on: May 3, 2024

Marketing Presentations

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Marketers know the pain of designing outstanding presentations.

So many details go into creating decks that it can be easy to fall into the trap of copy-pasting items from online sources. However, copying things online will damage your presentations and bore your audience.

Instead, focus on producing a legible, clear, and functional keynote. Understand that marketing professionals are expected to have an innate ability to generate great presentations.

Here are some design tips to help you produce exceptional marketing presentations to engage your audience.

1. Capture The Attention Of Your Audience

 target audience

Your marketing presentation plan should start with understanding your audience’s needs and preferences. You can open with an exciting question that captures your listeners’ attention. Then, tailor your talk to address the most pressing pain points.

Note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach for creating marketing slides. In other words, all audiences and venues have different vibes and energy.

For example, an audience comprising a group of ten seated in a conference room will differ considerably from an audience of more than one hundred.

Consider the particular crowd when giving your marketing presentation and tailor your message accordingly.

For example, while talking points may remain the same even when the size of the audience changes, interactions between and with them must be considered. Likewise, your presentation and slides should be designed to meet the listeners’ needs.

Understand that effective presentation pitch deck design requires the proper use of graphics, color, and applications to increase audiences’ retention and attention levels.

The goal of your marketing presentation is not to demonstrate your electronic prowess. Instead, focus on research and plan adequately. If possible, seek a list of attendees and research thoroughly.

Elements of your audience to consider include:

  • Their fundamental understanding of the topic;
  • Their preferences and identity as a group;
  • Some news about the companies that will attend your presentation.

2. Highlight Your Role

Another helpful design tip for outstanding marketing presentations is ensuring the audience understands your role.

Most marketers generate their slides by focusing on their companies and the consultants participating. This decision offers some decent background information on your franchise and what you have to offer.

However, most attendees will likely already know about your company. So, don’t waste too much time telling your audience about yourself. Instead, focus on how you are going to deliver desired results.

Indicating how you intend to solve a problem is more critical in marketing than spending time advertising your brand.

3. Use the First Slide to Hook the Audience

best presentations

The best presentations tell a story, keeping audiences hooked from the first page. Like other forms of writing, texts that don’t hook readers from the start tend to be discarded.

Therefore, when creating your first slide, include information or questions that intrigue your audience. If you do this, you will stand a better chance of keeping the focus of your listeners throughout the presentation.

If possible, begin your presentation with awe or shock. Don’t fall for the temptation to start your deck with a background story. Instead, dive directly into the fantastic starts and data.

What will your service do to customers that other brands have been unable to accomplish? Alternatively, you can create a provocative statement to get your listeners intrigued.

4. Make Good Use of Software

The best way to create exceptional slides is to leverage the right technology. First, you need to identify a presentation software that permits the creation of clean and professional slides representative of your business.

Numerous software applications are available, but not all are ideal for top-notch marketing presentations.

Understand that the ideal slide show allows you to incorporate content flawlessly for optimal audience engagement. In addition, a good presentation will enable you to manage your deck, moving quickly between slides and editing successfully.

When choosing the proper presentation software for your deck, one factor to consider is the availability of great visual aids and graphic elements.

The application should allow you to upload high-quality graphics to support your keynote. PowerPoint, for instance, comes with built-in templates that users can customize to meet the particular needs of their presentations.

Other factors to consider when selecting a presentation software include:

  • Ease of navigation;
  • Flexible formatting;
  • Ease of sharing and collaborating with others;
  • Availability of outstanding customer service;

5. Don’t Overcrowd Words

Marketing Presentations Plan

The best marketing presentation decks are those in which designers combine readability and aesthetics. Compressing slides with text can be tedious and exhausting for distracted modern-day audiences.

Remember, the human brain is incapable of performing multiple tasks simultaneously. So, you shouldn’t expect your audience to read chunks of text while listening to your talk.

6. Focus on Readability

One of the worst things about poorly designed slides is the presence of so much content and background noise that people don’t bother going through them.

While there is no damage in paying attention to the aesthetics of your presentation, the viewers need to be able to quickly go through the content and understand what you are presenting.

When designing your slides, make good use of white spaces. Leaning an adequate margin around your test will eliminate the appearance of stuffiness.

Your text should also be clear and concise since vast chunks of content can seem threatening. Most importantly, use the appropriate line height for your text.

7. Don’t Forget Visual Consistency

Visual Consistency Design

Your slides should flow smoothly from one to the next, ensuring consistency. You may have a patched-up slide design that makes sense individually when you go from one slide to another without a coherent agreement. However, they may lack cohesion when examined together as a unit.

Focus on visual consistency from the onset. For example, choose an appropriate theme for all slides and ensure your images match your design’s color scheme. Also, use slide frames and backgrounds to provide consistency in your marketing presentation slides.

This article highlights some critical points to remember when designing marketing presentation decks. Conclusively, ensure to captivate your audience by telling an engaging story. Use data to enhance credibility and highlight single points instead of paragraphs.

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. To get more of his contributions, follow Smart Business Daily.

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