Digital Marketing

3 Tips that Boost Small Business Digital Marketing Execution

Published on: June 2, 2022

Last Updated on: June 7, 2022

Small Business Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing is imperative to small business success these days. Modern consumers spend most of their days online, and capturing their attention is a tough task. On the surface, digital marketing might seem challenging to implement. One of the reasons for this view is the several options available.

Social media platforms, paid ad platforms, organic marketing, SEO, email marketing, and so on make it seem like you must execute everything at once. However, digital marketing is simplest when you focus on one channel and sustainably expand to another.

Here are 3 tips to help you craft successful digital marketing campaigns that bring more customers through your doors.


  1.  Begin with an email
  2.  Pick one social media channel
  3. Invest in SEO

1. Begin with an email

Email marketing has consistently proved itself as one of the most reliable forms of lead and sales generation.

Email inboxes are private spaces, and any person who gives you access to their email is implicitly building a connection with you.

Thus, if you give them engaging content, they’re extremely likely to reward you with a sale.

The trick is to obtain full consent before sending them emails. Many small businesses purchase email lists and assume they’ll receive high engagement rates. However, you must receive consent to ensure high engagement.

Take care to send highly relevant content to your prospects so they remain engaged.

You should also use your email signature wisely. Email signatures are often ignored, but they give you a chance to make a lasting impact. Use free email signature generator tools to craft a signature that leaves an impact. You can promote a lead magnet or any other marketing material in your signature and drive traffic to your website.

Segmentation is also something that is ignored in small business email marketing. Every person in your audience has different expectations of your business. Identify what these needs are and send them different emails.

For instance, a customer with a steady purchase history will expect a different approach compared to someone still evaluating your business.

You must measure engagement rates to create the right audience segments. Schedule different campaigns for them, and you’ll manage to boost sales while producing highly relevant email content.

2. Pick one social media channel

When starting with digital marketing, it’s best to pick a single social media platform and explore how it works for you.

For instance, pick either Facebook or Instagram at first. Both platforms have different audiences with different expectations.

If you try to expand on all platforms at once, you’ll likely spread yourself thin, leading to wasted effort.

Picking one platform and specializing in it will help you understand its ins and outs. You’ll also quickly evaluate whether that platform is a good fit for your business or not.

For example, TikTok is the most popular social media platform these days. However, its audience is unsuited for most businesses. Exploring a platform and taking the time to investigate it will help you understand how engagement works and what sort of content you ought to publish.

Often, obscure social media platforms generate the highest sales. For instance, Pinterest is rarely spoken of as a popular platform.

Yet, it generates significant revenues for businesses, thanks to its visual nature. Pinterest posts often rank high on organic search results, lending post creators a ton of visibility.

Once you’ve established a steady stream of traffic from one channel, move to another and repeat the process. Over time, you’ll discover which ones are right for you and create a marketing machine that hums smoothly.

3. Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO is the most tedious of all digital marketing efforts. Tedious because you will not realize any ROI in the short term.

Typically, your SEO efforts will require at least a year to bear fruit. This period might stretch even longer if your niche is crowded.

For instance, if your business sells beauty products, you’ll compete in a highly crowded niche.

However, SEO generates the highest ROI over the long term, thanks to its ability to bring free traffic. Let’s say you publish a post that becomes popular and ranks highly on Google’s search results.

You’ll have to invest once to create this post. Once it’s life, you won’t have to do anything. The post will keep generating organic traffic, and your website will keep receiving visitors. This is why SEO offers high ROI in the long run.

Make sure you explore what your prospects want to read and solve their issues for them. If you’re in the B2B sector, publishing a research report is also a great way of generating a ton of attention.

These reports will give you valuable SEO backlinks (when other websites link to you) and boost your authority in your industry.

Infographics and videos are also extremely helpful forms of content. Allied with your social media and email campaigns, you’ll have no trouble generating leads for your business.

Embrace digital

Digital marketing might seem complex at the outset but approach it in a piecemeal fashion.

Take the time to specialize in one aspect of digital marketing, and you’ll eventually build a digital marketing machine that sustains itself.




Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn

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