Subtle Ways Your Branding Is Letting You Down
3 Mins Read
Published on: 19 March 2022
Last Updated on: 21 March 2022

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It can seem like some companies have had the good fortune to stumble upon the magic formula for branding success, while other companies either fail because their branding is weak or succeed despite their poor brand image.
This might give the impression that branding is too nebulous to pin down and refine for your own business, but this is definitely not the case. Find the branding that works for you and your business without compromising on your message, product, or ethos. Take a look at some of the possible ways your current branding could be letting you down.
Few Ways Your Branding Can Make You Down:
1. Your Branding Lacks Versatility
The whole point of branding is to attach an identity to a company so that its potential customers can easily spot it in a crowd of competitors. This applies to everything from physical merchandise to digital documents.
If your branding is unable to transfer legibly from one area to another, it is too specifically designed for only one type of space. Good branding gives itself room to adapt so it can be applied to many different forms either now or in the future.
2. Serious Documents Should Be Attractive Too
It isn’t only your customers that your branding should appeal to. Potential investors also care about how well your business can present itself and convey a cohesive message through branding. While it might seem obvious that store window displays or webpages must be eye-catching and well-designed within the brand guidelines, it can be easy to forget the value of branding elsewhere.
Pitch document mistakes can be avoided by remembering that good branding goes a long way to persuading people to pay attention to you and your business.
3. Scalability for Logos Is Essential
All too often, there are professional companies that use logos designed too poorly to be scaled down, meaning that they are more difficult to interpret and therefore create distance between a potential customer and the business. A logo should be clear, strong, and instantly convey the business’s message.
Weaker logos pose a potential risk by confusing the brand message and discouraging people from engaging at all. It might sound like something small and insignificant, but you would be surprised at the difference between using an effective logo and using one that doesn’t translate.
4. Inconsistent Branding Is Off-Putting
Another way your branding might be accidentally putting off potential customers is by failing to remain consistent. A clean, coherent brand image is more trustworthy and therefore more likely to appeal to an audience. Avoid overusing disparate approaches as this can subconsciously tell others that your business is uncertain of itself and therefore not worth paying attention to.
5. It Feels Disconnected
If your branding doesn’t offer a clear message about what your business does, it isn’t connected closely enough to your business. For example, using red instead of green for a landscaping company fails to take advantage of the unconscious connections people make about a brand.
Hopefully, these tips have highlighted ways you can improve your branding and attract more attention to your business.
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