
5 Ways Packaging Is Affecting Your Brand Image

Published on: March 15, 2022

Last Updated on: June 1, 2022


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Have you ever bought a product because of how its packaging looked? For example, you may have purchased cosmetics because they were presented in a cute and whimsical case.

Or you may have even been enticed to buy water in a bottle that appeared expensive, leading you to believe that this might be more refreshing than those in regular-looking ones.

According to Fortune Business Insights™, The global food packaging market is projected to grow from $338.34 billion in 2021 to $478.18 billion in 2028 at a CAGR of 5.1% in the forecast period, 2021-2028.

If you have, it only means that the packaging design was effective in attracting customers and boosting sales. While this is good, it’s also important to consider how packaging affects brand image. The entire packaging can either be beneficial to your branding or detrimental.

But even if deciding on the type of packaging to use for your products seems like a simple task, there’s nothing further from the truth. When it comes to marketing strategies, branding is key, and this is something you can achieve with effective packaging.

Branding And Packaging Relationship

Branding And Packaging Relationship

It’s easy to overlook the relationship between packaging and branding. But their connection actually makes a lot of sense since almost everything related to how the product is presented is considered branding.

When people receive your product—how well it’s packaged and the quality of the packaging can affect how they perceive your brand, whether positively or negatively. This is why it’s important to invest in professional packaging supplies as well as design, to improve on branding.

In reality, packaging can affect how popular a brand can get and even how successful it can become. But there are different nuances on how this can happen, which you can learn about by reading on.

1. It Helps Emphasize Branding

One of the most important things that packaging does is emphasize branding. This is because a business can make use of the packaging as an opportunity to show how excellent their brand is. They can do this not just by coming up with an effective design, but also by using packaging that’s consistent with their values as a brand.

For instance, if a company has an eco-friendly brand, using recyclable and compostable materials are some of the good ways to emphasize this value. If the packaging isn’t consistent with the brand and values of the company, people may catch up on this and develop a distrust for the brand.

2. It Can Make People Recognize It Easily

2. It Can Make People Recognize It Easily

Certain brands can be identified simply by the shape of their product, their color scheme, or even the silhouette of their logo. This is something that many companies strive for because it means that their brand has become well-known. However, achieving this can take time, a lot of tries, and brilliant branding.

This is why creating packaging that can be easily recognized as a great marketing tactic. For one thing, more people will be able to recall and associate with it.

This means that if your company has the most recognizable brand among all toothpaste companies, for example, you’re more likely to be the product of choice for many people. In a grocery lane where the same type of products is lined up, people will buy the ones that are popular and familiar.

In addition, if it’s interesting enough to look at, people might ask about it and try the product out, too. So, if you’re a new brand looking to gain a competitive advantage, considering better and recognizable packaging might be a good strategy.

3. It Shows Business Effort

Customers appreciate it when businesses go out of their way to show that they care. Companies that demonstrate that they care and invest a lot of thought and time in various aspects of their business, tend to retain customers better.

Customers can get a subtle hint of how a company runs its business and cares for its clients if they see how much time and effort it puts into its packaging and labels. When it comes to customer care and concerns, they might expend the same amount of effort and attention. Professional packaging not only protects the contents of the package but also helps in informing the customers better.

4. It Can Affect How Trustworthy Your Brand Looks

The trust of customers is something that many companies strive to preserve and protect. Words and promises should only go so far in this regard. Companies must invest time and effort in order to maintain their customers’ trust.

Packaging can play a tremendous role in this, especially if the products have to be shipped from far away. For instance, if the products are damaged when the customer receives them, they’re unlikely to order from that company again. On top of that, they might even write a review which can affect the decisions of potential customers in the future.

5. It Allows Brands To Stand Out

5. It Allows Brands To Stand Out

It’s critical for brands to stand out, especially in highly competitive industries. There are many ways to do this, including advertising, the development of unique products, and creative marketing strategies.

Packaging can be a great way to stand out and to convince some people to make the purchase. For example, brands that use innovative packaging, such as corn starch or sea weed, have caught the attention of those who live a green lifestyle.

There are also packaging designs that simply look satisfying, pretty, and creative. One example is, an ordinary tea bag that turns into a fish or bird when dipped in water. This is great for people who enjoy or are into whimsical, beautiful, and artistic things. These will more likely go viral on social media, which is also great for advertising.


Branding and packaging go hand in hand, and it can have greater impact on a company than some people may believe. This is because packaging is not limited to the use of a pouch, a bottle, a bag, or a box to store your products in. It’s a representation of your brand, what you stand for, and how you want to be perceived by your customers.

Because of this, it’s important to come up with the perfect packaging design that attracts attention while also maintaining brand consistency. But in the end, packaging must also ultimately perform its function of keeping your products safe and secure.

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Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you. Follow him on Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn



Steve Bucky March 30, 2022 at 9:44 am

Packaging can make or break a brand. It is the first thing that people see when they’re trying to decide whether or not to buy your product. It is important because it helps consumers understand what the product is and how it works. It also helps them decide if it’s worth their time and money. Thank you for sharing this blog with us. I am looking forward to read more such blogs in the future. Reply


Subham July 7, 2022 at 7:32 am

Thanks for your valuable comment. Till then stay tuned for upcoming posts... Reply

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