
What is WooCommerce and Why You Should Choose it?

By Mashum Mollah

February 26, 2021


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Ecommerce is a big part of any modern, successful retail business.

Selling online expands your customer base from local residents to almost every person in the entire world. With that in mind, how do you actually find success in eCommerce?

It takes a mixture of great products, great service, perfect marketing, and a good online shop for a business to reach its potential online.

This article is going to be talking about that later feature: a great online shop.

What Exactly is WooCommerce?

What Exactly is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a retail add-on designed for use with the hugely successful web design and hosting tool WordPress.

WordPress is one of the most popular web hosting and content management systems ever released and has been the top choice for small businesses for many years because of its open-source architecture and simplicity of use.

Essentially, WooCommerce allows for the installation of WordPress themes that are specially designed with retail in mind.

These themes allow for stock taking, customer interaction, and all sorts of other shop-centric features. Third-party themes can be added to customize the service further.

Why Should I Use WooCommerce?

Why Should I Use WooCommerce

40.9% of eCommerce websites use WooCommerce for their online shop.

An absolutely huge share of the market! As the share of the market that WooCommerce controls increases, the number of third-party theme developers for the system increases.

This, in turn, leads to a more diverse and attractive service. It is very likely that third-party developers will not stop innovating with new themes, meaning that shop owners won’t find themselves stranded with outdated designs.

Another great reason to choose WooCommerce has to do with the fact that it is built for use with WordPress.

As a website owner, you will likely have staff at your business that will be familiar with the way that WordPress works.

It is a modular web building system that is relatively simple to use and customize if you are familiar with design and web development.

The base WooCommerce add-on is also completely free, which can’t be bad. Of course, many themes cost money, and if you want a bespoke theme designed, then you are going to have to pay.

However, as a new business, this could provide the perfect starting point. As you build up revenue, there is nothing stopping you from developing your site in time, both on the front and the backend.

For bespoke WooCommerce theme implementation, companies often hire designers who specialize in the system, like

They will be able to take your requirements and turn them into a bespoke WooCommerce site ready to entice customers and make sales.

How Do I Get Set Up?

WooCommerce is set up like any other plugin.

Although the setup is very straightforward, the actual design and refinement of your online shop are a little more tricky.

If you consider yourself a seasoned designer, by all means, craft your eCommerce website from scratch.

Many business owners have at least some budget set aside for web design. If you do, consider hiring a professional team of designers.

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